
Timothy Eggert

Ask @dangertim

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From where do buy clothes? How much do you spend every month on clothes?

I really don’t know. Most of my new clothes come in the form of t-shirts from various fandoms, and even then I’m not buying all that often.

Have you ever been called ”swine” or ”pig”? If yes, by whom?

LOL, no. I doubt I know anyone who has been called that either.

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Kindly explain the giant blue police box that seems to have materialized at the TRF. I thought the Doctor had lost his TARDIS...?

I think a better question is who (or maybe which incarnation) was driving and then wrapped her around a tree? Sure, I’ve made a ton of mistakes, but I’m much more respectful.

Sunday. Long blue hooded cloak (a la 13) - although I posit that you have a good idea whom it is you seek. :)

I have some ideas, but I’m prepared to be 100% wrong when the reveal comes. Usually I’m the person the Doctor describes below when it comes to this sort of thing.

Hmm. Oui, I will take tea with the Frenglish court. Earl Grey, straight. Faites-le, Docteur.

Cool. Saturday or Sunday?

Your spoiler was very good - does Picard actually say "merde?" Awesomeness if he does...and I believe I greatly misinterpreted the spoiler. Rough few days on an emotional level. I may wave at you this weekend after all.

Sorry about your rough days. I’ll have Volume 2 with me this weekend if you still want it.

How long has your longest ever phone call been?

Can’t remember exactly, but I’m guessing I’ve had a few go over the two hour mark way back when I was dating.

Would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf?

While I’ve always been more fascinated by vampires, it’s probably better to be inconvenienced one night a month than have to drink human blood all the time to survive.

is it better to buy an iPhone 6 in a store or 6s directly from another person?

Better? I don’t know. It’s certainly easier buying from the store because they set up your phone and billing, and connect it to a carrier all right there.

Would you rather lose all of your money and valuables or all of the pictures you have ever taken?

Confused. Pictures are valuables.

That was not nice :( "Non" would have sufficed. Je suis désolé - au revoir.

I thought that panel from the next book was amusing. I guess I’m not that good at spoilers.

You were very right, good sir. I enjoyed Star Trek: The Next Generation / Doctor Who: Assimilation 2 Volume 1 very much - even the 4th Doctor part (not my favourite, though the later cameo made me squee). So...give me spoilers of V2? S'il vous plaît, Monsieur?

Which is the place that you have always wanted to visit?

I have not yet been to Hawaii or New York; those seem like cool places.

What if something scary happened in real life?

Without specifics, I can’t come up with a better answer than this.

Queen Yana - a nod to Derek Jacobi's character, oui? What happened to her, and, to be a nag, will the Doctor get another companion/nemesis?

• Yana is off with Beowulf conquering Olympus. Thank goodness she still doesn’t know she’s Missy, though every once in a while she’ll ask someone to “say something nice.”
• Oui, Jacobi.
• The Doctor often “auditions” patrons to be companions on-path.
• The possibility of having a TRF Performance Company character as a companion has been considered in the past but never really solidified.
For a while, we were working toward making French joust maiden Marie LaFleur (played by Emma Van Lare) a legit companion. During the season, we’d have Emma come over for dinner and several nights of marathoning key DOCTOR WHO episodes. It was fun. Unfortunately, Emma couldn’t join our cast this year for the best of reasons. I’m open to trying again for next year, but it’s too late for 2017. Same goes for a “nemesis.”
• Bonus: It may interest you to know the Doctor has more or less the same relationship with King Henry VIII (Jared Barnes) that he had with Brigadier Alastair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart.

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What body piercings do you want

That cybernetic deal in THE MATRIX where you can instantly upload and integrate new knowledge and skills into your brain. That would be handy.


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