
Crystal S

Ask @crystalavigne

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What's one thing most people don't know about you?

That my Resting Bitch Face doesn't necessarily mean I am a bitch.

What are your top 5 favorite albums?

In no particular order! :P
1. FutureSex LoveSounds - Justin Timberlake
2. Under My Skin - Avril Lavigne
3. Spice - Spice Girls
4. Taylor Swift - I cannot decide which album is the best.
5. Jolin Tsai - also cannot decide which album is the best between Agent J - PLAY

What qualities do you value the most in your friends?

I love that they listen to my rants without complaints because they know I need to get it out of my system, and that they make me laugh all the time... <3

Would you rather never have internet access again or never be allowed board an airplane again?

I would rather never have Internet access again...

What does a perfect day look like to you?

No sun, the smell of rain in the air, but then it doesn't. A good book, drinks, and my dog and all my close friends with me. Lots of laughter, no worries about having to rush to work the next day....

What's your morning routine?

Wake up, check social media, shower, makeup, dress, out the door. Breakfast depends on extra time or not, haha.

Do you smile at strangers? Why or why not?

Only when I am at work. LOL. Because if you smile at random strangers in a place like Singapore, more often than not, they'll think you're mad. Yes, it's just narrow-minded that way...

What song brings back memories from your childhood?

Spice Girls... Lol. And cartoon theme songs... Eg. Looney Tunes, Rugrats... etc.

What is a skill you’d like to learn and why?

Piano, guitar, 2-3 more languages, pet grooming..... No why, just general interests. Music, languages, pets.

If you had to dye your hair and keep the color for the next five years, what color would you choose?

Black, because it's the one that makes your hair look fuller... Now that I have black hair, I want brown, I want highlights etc, but I have to wait for the roots to grow out. :/

Would you rather wear a snow suit in the desert or be naked in Antarctica?

Either way I'd die. Why would I want to die?

Put your music on shuffle, what are the first 3 songs that come on?

1. Jojo feat. Bow Wow - Baby It's You
2. Vanness Wu - Sick
3. Fann Wong - 也许
As you can see, I never update my playlist............. Hahaha.


Language: English