

Ask @conversehigh

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i wanna be like uuuuu not scared haha but im just scared when people @ me if im being a soft stan;;; i dont get why its a thing!! i locked my account because of that ><

what's wrong w being soft !!! ur not hurting anyone !!! I'm moreso a soft stan I think ??? I don't tweet nsfw stuff as often as me tweeting about the boys being good eggs that I love w my entire soul

DUDE SAMEEEE like the ones having kys on their username too >< and like "i hope __ die" like ???? idk i just. whats the point? and when someone being soft about their bias/groups theyre like its not that deep ??? im like.. everything is a fight for them 😰

who tf cares about being a hard or soft stan like ... WHY IS THIS A THING ? I'm too old for this

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those rude edgy stans are mostly yoongi stans...... and maknae line stans........ at least for me ha ha ha but i hate people being so edgy?? i dont see the point. im scared to tweet, i wish it was like before hahaha tweet without edgy fans @ u lol

I DONT GET IT ??? like omg idk if u see the same type of edgy kpop stans, but why are u tellin ur friends to k*ll themselves as a joke !!!! I feel like these are like 15 yr olds in high school that think being cool on the internet is everything

me too fhsjajjs i honestly cant relate but you can always see that people dont know gil and tweet about it makes me sad sometimes :-( oh yeah lot of my mutuals r new fans and i cant keep up? idk how to explain but the diff between old fans and new fans are so distinct ?

I have a few newer fans on my tlist, but I feel like I keep bugging em w older pics and vids just bc it's been so long since I've befriended new fans and I get excited to teach ppl asklamska
it makes me feel weird when someone is just a new kpop fan in general just bc there's so much explaining of like fan culture and like idk a lot of new kpop fans are either kboos or fetishize asian ppl or they're those rly rude edgy kpop stans lmao

oh i did google it and spent hours hahah but it was not popular i guess >< its ok!!! not that hyped like rn everything they do is hyped its mindblowing sometimes but also weird how some fans dont know gil omg

ppl who say gil is underrated or don't know it in general kill me lmao I prob sound like a fan elitist for saying that, but like... THAT SONG IS SO IMPORTANT TO THEM AND ARMYS ? and they performed it at trb and prob other cons idr the setlist of

right i have this thing i dont trust too but then i rmb the interview but since i forgot about it im never trusting that tumblr post but then i rmb the interview happened except no links rip hahaha

maybe u can try googling around for it !!! I'm sure it's floating around in the internet

actually iirc its around 2015!! and its 2017 now. thank u anyway;;; im sorry bothering bc of that q hahaha

no it's ok! I would've helped u if I could ><

omg :-( me too, i just wanna find cos people always use the tumblr post that members agreed yoongi likes being called oppa (the tumblr post made it this way) and its not concrete enough fhsja im sorry, im being fussy about it hahaha

I'm p sure yoongi said he doesn't rly care??? I could be wrong tho lol but I wouldn't trust random tumblr text posts that are obvs just for notes

hi! I've been searching this for hours cos I remembered this happened but I forgot the interview. where bangtan talking about ideal type? and one of them said yoongs suit younger girls? at first yoongs was like ... then the members agreed to this member about it?

I have no clue sry I have bad memory w things like this ><

ooooo mess, do u think it has got anything to do with the bbmas?

no, prob just bc they're under def jam records now
I don't think umg cares who wins top social artist for bbma lmao

wait but for why? do they have the rights over the boys' songs? :o

nobody knows why afaik, but they Should only have the rights to their japanese versions, as they're currently under def jam records' japanese company for their japanese activities

whats going on with UMG and bangtan? :o

umg is taking down vids on youtube that use the audio of bst, including videos like mv reactions 😒 and kfans are pissed

yeah with the tour schedule I doubt it would be regular but maybe after tour with a diff one!! the ig person said farmer taehyung :o

idk it might just be his cameo character that they're describing lol he might just be playing a random farmer boy or smth, but I think they're busy for the rest of the year... like I'm p sure it's gonna be
tour -> comeback promos -> 2nd half of wings tour w new songs
just like how trb was

idk how likely this is but do you think they're all filming something festa related? or has it been confirmed it's for a drama.. bc like are they all gonna make cameos lmao 👀

it seems all the photos have been confirmed for a specific drama, so I doubt it's for festa?

do you think taehyung is cameo too or going to be in the drama more and curious about a web drama too! so many stuff filming

the drama that they're shooting is a daily drama and they're hella busy, so it's prob just a cameo :< are there rumors of a web drama?? :o

Would you rather jog with a cool sports watch or cool running shoes?

running shoes... wouldn't those be more beneficial

angie do you think you will be going to kcon la and ny?

kcon ny def no lmao and idk depends on the lineup for la

do you have spotify premium? and do you like it?

yeah and it's ok! I use melon more than my spotify tho just bc I wanna listen to more kpop songs these days and there's no jyp on spotify

I wonder what namjoon was filming for

maybe he was filming for a v app video or smth since he talked about it so casually on v app lol


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