

Ask @conversehigh

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do u think its worth it to buy ver.2 army bomb at the venue if there is no color change? i have ver.1 but idk if i want to spend $60 for the new one ><;;

I think you could hold off until bh restocks on army bombs online and people aren't rushing to buy one lol save your money

Is bangtan still in ny or have they gone to Chicago? Someone saw taehyung at moma(?) in ny and i was wondering when did he get the time to go there

they went on saturday morning and left for chicago in the afternoon, from what I can tell

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How many times have you missed your flight?do you have to buy a new ticket everytime this happens?i don't fly a lot so idk much about tickets and stuff

twice now OTL they usually just move your flight to the next open flight ? at least in my experience >< so no I don't have to buy a new ticket

you looked really cute handing out banners to the soundcheck line in newark! I loved your outfit! I think someone asked you if you were @junghoseoks because you just kinda laughed awkwardly and were like "yeah that's me" and walked away lol

thank you so much !!! omg I might've done that, but tbh I don't remember >< I was like super rushing to pass out banners to people in the lines @-@

what did you do today since its your last full day in NY? :)

we ate at shake shack in madison square park and went to ktown and chilled at caffe bene for a few hours and then ate dinner at her name is han ~

I'm planning on moving to California, but I am wondering where is the cheapest city for living?

uhh idk tbh? anywhere that's not urbanized LOL so like mountain and farm areas... riverside county is cheaper compared to la/oc, but it's a bitch to drive anywhere

how was your 2 day experiences of wings tour? did you like yesterdays more?

tbh I concentrated mostly on taking fancams during day 2 LOL I have more opportunities to see them, so yeah
the audience atmosphere was better on day 2 tho !!! but I was more emotional during day 1 bc I cried during mama after looking back at the vcr playing

Just wondering but in your opinion how was the crowd? Were they hyped up? And did they sing along to 2, 3! ?

3/23, no they didn't and they were decently hyped? I feel like today's will be better tho

hi angie do you know if they restock merch on day 2?

they did, but the caps and hoodies sold out already ;;

Did hoseok and jimin perform alone or with dancers?if they did were there that many people like for korea concerts?

dancers!!! and about 8 of em

What time did the merch booth open? Also did bighit do the computer WiFi thing with the 2nd army bomb?

it opened at 1pm and no

What time did people start lining up for merch? And what time did it start to open?

like 9am I think??? I was sleeping tho and when I woke up ppl were there


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