

Ask @conversehigh

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do you prefer tote or backpack for everyday and school?

I only go to one class a day where I don't even need my laptop, so a purse/tote

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omg did you hear about fans being super loud since morning at hotel they were staying at and getting upset bc bts didn't down for couple mins outside the hotel like wtf??

no, I didn't. I'm not even shocked, which is sad lol. fans need to fuck off

http://kpopkfans.blogspot.my/2017/03/bts-jungkook-chooses-his-own-gifts-from.html?m=1 Is this whole thing true? I know how fansites spend their money is none of ny business but still it doesn't feel nice to see him requesting presents?especially expensive ones

he didn't request it lol fansites send a list of gifts to bh, bh filters out which gifts the fs can give or not give, bh passes the list onto the members and they just choose the color/specs of the item
the fansites were going to give them gifts no matter what, but this process helps them to know what they'd actually use and what colors they want
(ie. if 5 fansites wanted to give them computers/iphones, then there'd obviously be too many of them, and like in the comments, if you're going to give someone a present, you might as well ask what they'd prefer to have)
begging/requesting would be idols sending out a notice or some shit telling fans to buy a, b, and c lol or posting on sns that they rly wanted smth but couldn't buy it themselves

Anything important happened yesterday other than the bts video for not today?i was sick and I couldn't go online,thanks angie

they left from korea to go to new york and then to chile! I think that's about it? hope you're feeling better! 😘

angiedo you know if it was hoseok talking in the chat after v or was is it v the whole time then jimin later?

uhh I think it was namjoon, then tae, and then jimin asking why tf taehyung is talking about soju lol

Apparently knetz are complimenting him as a form of revenge bc of the last season of pd101?? they wanna vote for him just to piss everyone off ive heard fjdhdhhdhc


Why isn't there any pics from the airport in ny?did they take the vip exit?

no, they're headed to chile, so it was just a layover flight

what size shirts would you say are good to buy for bts? ive googled, but all the info i find is really old which worries me. but youve bought recently so! also, i think that shirt is really good for hoseok!

thank you !!! and it depends on the boy lol I only know hoseok's sizes tbh T__T

the iphone thing!

haha yeah I have a few other pics w the location tags on !!! surprisingly 3 out of my 5 pics in california are of jhope from when they came here in 2014 LOL

thanks fellow anon haha i've always believed this was normal it was this idea that what if this someone im talking to isnt just anyone but someone specific and its only a matter of time that i might start seeing them. .. yes freaky but dont mind this. thank u angie :]

you're welcome !

youre right..ive always thought this was normal bc its not that i talk to "someone" when im in public. its rly a lot like when youtubers rant and film themselves on the cam as if they have an audience or tweet stuff online except that it never gets posted or just writing a diary tbh but its speaking

you're not alone! there are other ppl (like prev anon) that experience smth similar, and I also have unintentional conversations basically just for myself on twitter lmao
I know nobody gives a shit about any of my tweets that aren't about bangtan and esp tweets about my personal life and problems and whatever, but I just like talking a lot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

To the previous anon,yes i do talk to myself sometimes,and I also talk to an imaginary person.i day dream a lot too and i kind of act it out irl when im alone?idk if this is considered normal too but you're not alone.i feel weird that i do this tbh but I can't stop and I think maybe im behaving -c

-like this is because I crave for conversations?because I rarely have irl and online conversations because I don't really have friends lol,my life is sad I know
not related, but even if you have a few friends and maybe ones you're not that close to, you can always make conversation and establish a closer friendship with them! one of my first bffs on my tlist that I'm still bffs with today I started out w following her and I loved her tweets, so I would always fave them and reply back to them w my comment on whatever it is, and eventually she followed me back and now we're rly close ! we started out as kpop friends, but we've def gone past just being kpop friends
if you really have no friends like you said, it's never too late to befriend ppl esp when we have the internet that makes it a lot easier to find ppl you click with

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im seriously asking haha like there's a normal range of talking to yourself but if its actually having a convo w/no one in particular, but just as if there is someone, hence imaginary...could this be normal too or does it indicate something else?

I feel like I'm not the right person you should be asking? I don't have full on conversations with myself and I've never experienced talking to an imaginary person in my whole life? the only advice I can really give you is consulting a psychologist or therapist or someone that has expert knowledge on things like this

hi. can i ask which episodes of lotj jin appeared in? i want to dload them but not sure which ones to dload lol

247 to 251

woah I just saw that jimin_house is on today's twitter moments.. pretty cool

I think that only shows for you bc you follow them haha they prob weren't a trending twitter moment


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