

Ask @conversehigh

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do you know if the special gift is limited on pre orders just from the official shop?

I assume it is, since they did this with wings with the stupid stickers lmao

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diff anon! I was just about to ask the same thing haha cause I was wondering if the mv teaser and photo teasers would all come out before what the album looks like

I don't rly think it matters bc they blur out the photocard pics anyways or just put a ? on it lol

angie if the album pre-orders are that soon do you think we will get teasers at noon and midnight?

pre-orders don't rly affect teasers imo ? bc fans will buy the album regardless and usually they just post what the album will looks like from the exterior

Im glad that there's someone else who's worried about this comeback as well,i know this whole thing is just an assumption but it still could be true,knowing the antis they might accuse bangtan of using the tragedy for attention or something im so nervous just thinking about this 😥😥

me too, but hopefully either they don't go that route, or they do it with more taste? idk how to explain, but not be offensive, basically haha

pap of you japan jhope photocards?

sry for late reply! but I just have these and the wake up photocard is ot7 and the big photo was part of a photoset that my friend gave me from the wake up tour hahaha

Taehyung going to japan just for a hi touch event?isnt hi touch where they high five the fans he can't be going there alone just to high five some people or is this another kind of event

nope, I'm pretty sure he's just going there to high five fans lmao

do you know why only taehyung seems to be going to japan?

all I know is that he missed a previous hi-touch event bc of a hwarang related schedule, but otherwise idrk :(

after what miri said i can see more of what this whole situation is about,I should've read through the whole tragedy first before assuming the worst of them,i was being a dick.what i said was horrible.my mind was filled solely with money to the point I didn't pay attention to the bigger picture of-c

-this situation,i know it's not really necessary to apologise to you bc I didn't wronged you,but some them.the least i can say is sorry for being a shitty person.i really should stop thinking that everything is just about money
it's okay I think you acknowledging that you were wrong and feel apologetic about it is great! at least now you know, and I hope you've learned that you shouldn't just assume the worst from people~ especially from parents who are mourning their children and are fighting against a corrupt government :/

hey angie! yknow that translation u just rted? it said that "they were in the cultural blacklist" what does that mean....?

I just answered on my cc! not sure, but using the context of the article, I assume it's that you can find that the family members are in connection to the victims of the tragedy

You seem to have a very positive attitude,how do you do that?my life is not the best but it's definitely not the worst but i keep struggling with depressive thoughts,but I don't think i dwell in it long enough to be considered as depression

rather than positive, I think I just don't rly focus on certain things in my life that aren't going so well, and I distract myself with things that make me feel better too u__u
like tbh right now, I'm freaking out about my social life because it's practically non-existent outside of twitter bc my transition from high school to community college wasn't so great :/ also, I get paranoid of my friends secretly hating me bc tbh I'm def a person that can become dislikable haha so I'm def struggling with that lately too
so yeah I do have like negative worries that I just talk about on my private account for the most part, bc I know ppl don't rly follow me bc they give a shit about my personal life LMAO
anyways, I think maybe you should try consulting someone you are very close with about it! I don't really know much about depression bc I haven't rly researched it nor do I have it, but I think there's different levels of depression and I think consulting with a professional is a good option and you can find out whether you have depression or not. and even if you don't, a therapist or counselor will be open to listening to your concerns!

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Dark,milk or white chocolate?

white chocolate, but it's technically not rly chocolate bc it doesn't have any cocoa powder
I prefer milk over dark tho bc I'm a baby and I hate bitter stuff

Is it messed up for me to want a lighter skin?im south east asian and i have dark skin,my skin is lighter compared to indian skin but definitely darker than most people here,i feel so ugly because most people here have fair skin.but I only feel like this with myself,I know a lot of dark skinned-c-

-c- south east asians who are pretty,but that must be because they're pretty lol because im not. I feel so pressured to use whitening products ;-;
I personally don't think it's wrong because we just grew up into cultures that believe fairer skin is more beautiful :( tbh even I want my skin to be a tad bit paler haha
it's your body, so feel free to do whatever makes you feel comfortable and happy! I think it's fine if it's your own personal choice and not people trying to force you to use whitening products bc they think you're not pretty enough :/
btw watch out for whitening products that could be harmful to your skin tho >< I would suggest doing some research on products before buying em if you do decide to use em!

- can see the world from a bigger picture and stop dwelling in the past,because we don't know the families so we don't know how will they use the money.oh well I really hope they do though.

for these families, it's tough for them to move on. and like I said, people's donations are something personal and private to them. bangtan's donation was supposed to be kept private, but obviously it got leaked to the news.
you don't know anything about these families or what they're going through, and you're also being really rude by generalizing korean people and saying horrible stuff like "that's probably why their suicide rates are so high".

A lot of koreans seem to not be able to move on from the past,no wonder their suicide rates are high,I really hope the families do donate the money to charity.it's just that there are actual people who need the money for basic needs,not for pure sympathy.what happened was horrible but i wish they-c

I don't care for racist generalizations of korean people. I also don't really think it's any of your business about what people do with their money, either.

Why are people still donating to the families who who were involved in the sewol ferry disaster?what are they using the money for? Isn't it like taking advantage of their dead family members?

well, we don't know what the family members are putting that money into since that's their own private business, so I think it's a bit rude of you to assume that they're just taking advantage of their childrens' deaths.
for all we know, they could be putting that money into charities.
I'm sure they would much rather have their children back than the money they get from people's donations.

i'm the one asking abt the lightsticks just now. i managed to pre-ordered mine right after i sent the question lol thanks!

ahh that's good!!! no prob haha

hi angie, do u still have problem pre-ordering the the lightstick bc i've tried to look for the actual pre-ordering form but there's none. is it just mine or it's happening to u as well?

someone that group ordered with me was able to get through on the eng site if that helps ><
Liked by: nura


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