

Ask @conversehigh

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omG ANGIE U R SO ADORABLE!!! loving his sprout hair is so damn cute u r the epitome of adorable fans :---) ☁️(this is gonna be my emoji key imma be a frequent asker bc I love ur answers tbh)

THANK U !!! 😆💞💗💖 and okay ~ 😁

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do you think bangtan has a big fanbase enough to fill the arena? bec dang thats so huge?

other groups of similar fandom sizes or maybe even smaller have had performances there, so I wouldn't worry lmao
the boys managed to sell out a venue capacity of 6k in dallas, so I think a venue in korea with 14k would be okay tbh lol (+ fans from overseas will be traveling to korea to attend the concert and transportation in korea is better than in the usa)

do you know if the airplane has wifi and charger ports?

depends on ur airplane and class ! sometimes airplanes charge for wifi and I've never been on a plane with outlets lol

hello, do you remember if they released an announcement or warning with a time before uploading the hyyh prologue trailer before? i'm just curious as to whether they'll do the same for an epilogue trailer aah ;;

no I think they just posted it on their v app lmao

I feel like they do new comeback star after epilogue like you said..then you use that with the new tour? idk LOL

they had trb to follow up dark&wild, so that's what I thought they were gonna do with ep iii ? it makes more sense for them to do ep iii as a world tour after putting out a new album

i'm curious about the tour stuff cause I hear people saying ph and other places already have dates??

yeah ph has a concert date on july 31st iirc, and the indonesian concert organizers hinted at it and told people to save their money LMAO
honestly people are assuming hyyh will be turned into a tour bc "oh there's no way they would come up w ep iii if they have hyyh on stage encore in may", but the encore concert is legit only one day lol, so it's def a possibility we will get another NEW concert tour in june or july

what are your flight/travel essentials?

• my phone + headphones so I can listen to music
• 3ds + game cards if I get bored and wanna play video games
• a jacket or small blanket to use as a blanket or pillow
• water + snacks
I think that's all my like flight essentials ? like besides obvious stuff like my wallet and passport/ID

wow olympic park gymnastics! biggest in kr T T

it's not the biggest venue, but it is a bigger venue in korea! uwu I'm so proud!

I wonder what bighit will do anniv event as well this year

me too lmao only reason I'm going to kr in june and not july

angie do you think anything will happen june?

I personally feel like they will do a Thing, but I'm not sure :/

I mean will we finally get all our answers in the epilogue video from I need u/run/prolouge

OH ! probably ? just to tie up their hyyh concept/storyline

how long will you be in korea and from when to when? :)

I think from june 2 - june 30? so about a month!

angie when you go to korea will you be buying makeup? and will you be bring lots of clothes or buy clothes there to wear?

yes, most likely! korea has cheaper clothes than here, and also I was already planning on buying a bunch of makeup and skincare stuff since my sister wants me to buy her some stuff 😂

do you delete old songs you dont listen to anymore?

sometimes, but not usually? I've been trying to control what I put on my phone bc when I had my ipod, I would put every single album I downloaded onto it 💀💀💀


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