

Ask @conversehigh

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Hi angie, I am new to Kpop and I don't know whether its common. I just saw a list of gifts a fansite gave Jungkook which had underwears? I thought it was weird! I just feel funny if I ask someone so is it something normal? I really didn't know who to ask. Dont answer if u feel so!! tnx

yeah it's pretty normal? haha 😅 I've seen lots of fansites give briefs as presents for idols' birthdays! I think my fave hoseok fansite gave some to hoseok on his bday 2 yrs ago iirc

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Congrats on completing the FAFSA application! Im in my 3rd year of college and FAFSA has really helped me a lot. I hope you qualify! :)

thank you!!!

what's your fave airport outfit pic of each of the boys?

jfc I don't even think I have one for all of em lol
hoseok - his all black outfit from last year with the black tee, jeans, belt, shoes, and tote bag
taehyung - I remember an outfit where he wore jeans for once and maybe his prada sneakers? or another pair of black hightops
jeongguk - idk his outfits are pretty whatever tbh? nothing good or bad, EXCEPT HIS COLORED TEE PHASE... Anything but that
jin + jimin - idr their outfits at all lol they dress nice/ok all the time that I can't even rly pick or remember

if you hv to compare dark&wild and skool luv affair which one do you prefer?

dark&wild lol it's my fave bangtan album

omg angie i 100% agree with everything you're saying why do people gotta hate on your opinions but whatevs you weren't being rude u do u


ahh Angie I'm sorry for the people being rude to you, people asked for your opinion so you gave it, it's not like u were being rude ur just concerned and don't want Tae to get hated on

thank you lmao my opinion isn't gonna change anything, and people act like I'm not allowed to have negative opinions about my faves ??? like sorry I can't agree with everything lol
#fakefan ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

"An idol who stole a job from an actor" lol. Idols who steal spotlight from real singers/artists you mean

ok ... ???

So u would rather not see any of bts act? Hihihihi they get lots of hate even w/out acting then just rather go and do anything FREE PROMO. The bigger ur idols the more hate comments u'll see. I pray for your heart

I TBH DONT THINK ANY OF THEM ARE GOOD AT ACTING THO????? jeongguk is prob the best actor imo, actually
I get that they're hated either way, but I don't want them to ruin a show for viewers if they happen to flop at acting
gtfo of my ask tbh if you're just gonna put words in my mouth

Well since he didn't have acting exp before that means its 95% he auditioned (or invited to audition). Thats how it works for shows most of the time. Like even if he was offered its not like the director didn't do research about his acting skills + if thats how the pd visualize the character

well, that's good for him and I'm glad that he's good enough to even get a part, but that still doesn't calm my worries bc we still haven't seen much acting from him that requires him actually talking and we still don't know what happened behind the scenes for him to get the role
like I said, if all idol actors auditioned and got in bc of their skill, why do so many suck at acting lol (ie. kara's seungyeon, sulli, etc.)
there's many reasons as to why I'm Ehh about this decision lol

Please answer truthfully, who in bangtan can you visualize to do well in a historical drama?


Taehyung auditioned for the role and he got it. Thats an accomplishment. Whats just annoying is some people making it seem that bighit just casually casted him for a drama just like that and did not pick jin. Lol. What wouldn't be fair is IF they restricted jin to audition for shows

I'm not hating on taehyung, but all the translations I read of the article didn't state he even auditioned so idek where you got this info?
and ofc it wasn't either of their decisions or faults, but it's clear to me it's bc taehyung is popular and good looking that he got cast tbh
like you can't honestly tell me that didn't factor into him being cast lol

Even I'm guilty of hating idol actors for ruining the drama before I got into Kpop. But I would support V

I'll watch the drama to support tae, but same lol... epitome of bad idol actors is watching to the beautiful you

I agree with you Angie, I mean Taehyung is the best actor, I think in BTS (both visual and talent wise) But I am afraid that in a Sageuk where they use extremely difficult Korean it might get hard for me...Anyway I just don't want him getting hate which is the usual way idol actors get!!

I'M MOSTLY WORRIED AND YET PPL KEEP COMING @ ME AS IF I HATE TAEHYUNG OMG... I'm just worried his acting isn't gonna be that good and then everyone will hate him and then he's gonna get labeled as just another shitty idol actor

V is good with facial expressions but not really on voice projection (cos of his pronunciations) so i hope he practice well on it. it would have been better practice for him if he started with like web dramas but this one looks like a bigscale drama already so i'm nervous for him

yeah I'm uncomfortable with him going head on into a big production and not a minor show on a cable channel or a sitcom or daily drama... BUT WE'LL SEE


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