

Ask @conversehigh

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hey angie can i ask how much you would rate colourpop lippie sticks?

from 1-10... like a 6.5 or 7? they're just normal lipsticks haha they don't feel drying and they're really pigmented! even the sheer one I own is really nice ~ (it's a sheer finish, so it's supposed to be like that btw)
ig after a while, they can start clinging to flaky parts of your lips tho? but I see the same thing happen with my cremesheen mac lipstick that is like 3x the price of colourpop lmao

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I know everymember in bangtan group was good looking~ honestly, whose do you think most handsome? and the last handsome? ㅋㅋㅋ order from member 1 till 7. just for fun~

this is just based on conventional beauty ig? bc I think they're all handsome, just not conventionally handsome lol...
1. taehyung
2. jin
3. jeongguk
4. jimin
5. hoseok
6. yoongi
7. rapmon

In your opinion (hopefully not biased.. ;-)) who has the best fashion sense? or most stylish member of bangtan?


Yeah! I believe I found out about them when you were tweeting their deep speed videos and I fell in love with them there!!


any of them is fine! preferably a pinky/red shade and if you can tell me which you used thank you so much

idk if I had a shade you were going for, so I put on 2! left is lumiere, which is pretty pinky toned, and right is dalia (which is the only sorta reddish one I had lol sorry)

angie do you have colourpop lippie stick? can i see how it looks on your lips if you do have it

which shade? I have lumiere, tiger, brink, and dalia!

same!! I wish I knew about them before, it just sucks that the company didn't promote them properly I really enjoyed what I saw of them!

I'm glad! I'm a rly big fan of their songs and performances :( they're really talented and I wish people got to see more of them

thank you for telling me! and I understand I had unfortunately found out about them very late (December 2015) so I'm sad to see them go but I hope they are able to purse something they want to do ;-;

me too :( I'M CRYING I REALLY WISHED MORE PPL KNEW THEM WHEN THEY DEBUTED ;; that was prob their peak popularity point, but their company didn't do well enough with marketing them imo... they just kept sticking them in all of t-ara's stuff, which really didn't help when t-ara got into a scandal

hey Angie sorry to bother you. Could you tell me what happened with speed? Did they announce that they disbanded? Thank in so much in advance if you do answer this it means a lot

it wasn't a negative(?) disband! they prob had to disband bc they were losing more money than making money for mbk, since they're really unpopular lol :<
sejun and jungwoo were the ones posting on sns the most, and they were basically thanking the fans for the past 3 years and saying it was a happy time they spent with the fans and that they hope the fans are healthy and happy in the future
BASICALLY, a goodbye post :( the members are on good terms with each other tho! jungwoo made it a point to post a selca he took with yuhwan and members of other boy groups (dgna, a-jax)
it's really unfortunate, but I'm not surprised that they broke up :( I kinda saw it coming, but was just hoping they would stick around ;;

physically what do you feel is attractive in a guy? i mean it can be anything for example like glasses or height anything

I like lean dudes? like lean and toned, so I find hoseok rly physically attractive lol I also think glasses are cute!!! AND IDK WHY, BUT I LIKE IT WHEN MY FAVES WEAR GLOVES...???? idk but my ideal type is at least 5'7 bc I'm 5'3

But I think he was handsome lol honestly I fall into hoseok bcse his face idk I love him when i see nmd mv. More love i gave to him when i know about him 😍 haha /i think hes handsome maybe bcse my eyes little sick(?)/ lmao

I think he's cute too! I liked him at first bc of his appearance lmfao but he's just not traditionally handsome, like according to beauty standards
that doesn't mean he'a ugly and that nobody finds him good looking lol he's just not the standard good looking guy

I stanning hoseok since nmd era. but people around me always saying 'this guy is not handsome, etc' and I was like ??? why people just see his face and not trying to know him ㅡ.ㅡ and when inu era at least they said to me like 'why hoseok looks so handsome at here? ' lmao

yeah a lot of ppl don't think he's handsome, so he's one of the least popular members bc of that I guess? I think he has the super over the top aegyo personality in order to make fans happy bc he's not conventionally handsome :( yeah he's been pretty handsome lately, but I think it was mostly bc they gave him ugly hairstyles in the past lol
Liked by: 18

Don't you want hear some rap from jeongguk again? last line he had rap line in Attack on Bangtan right? I just want to hear Jeongguk did rap again;;

no, he rapped in danger and hormone war, but yeah me too

what's your favorite hairstyle and color for each of the members?

hoseok - his 쩔어 and danger hairstyles were prob the best, but I like his hair when it's black
jin - his 상남자 hair was rly qt and his hair looks good brown or black
yoongi - prob his n.o hair and I need u? I like his hair black or pink
rapmon - his 상남자 hair, and I like his hair black or silver
jimin - his 상남자 hair, and I like his hair black
taehyung - prob like hormone war and danger? he looks cute when he has purple hair and I like his hair when it's black or brown
jeongguk - 쩔어 and danger, and I like his hair when it's black or strawberry blonde

that would be call if they did a vapp surprise thing for jhope like they did with most of the members

yeah I hope they have a v app stream for his bday :<

it's always hoseok jin and namjoon who don't get much on their bday :( makes me sad

namjoon had a fanmeeting in 2014 for his bday, but ia with jin

I'll fight Bighit if they don't post do a birthday video or something special for his birthday. HOSEOK deserves everything on his special day :( I can't wait to see what photos Bts will post Thai year

IKR !!! I'm so excited for the ugly pics they'll post of him lmfao


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