
Constance Ng

Ask @constancemicaela

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Can u edit the background of your blog?is it possible like blogger?

It's quite complicated. I like the minimalist layout of my livejournal. Like you need to custom CSS but it's not as user friendly as blogger. My layout was generated from some ugly simple layout. I had to google the code. Meh. But I guess you can put background if you want.. Must google special codes!!

What annoys you the most?

People who are attached to their mobile phones. Like when I'm talking to them/out with them, they'd be typing away on their phones... RUDE?? This is damn annoying i swear. And they just can't be bothered, fuck.

I wanna dye my hair!! What colour do you suggest? ;-)

I've always liked the colour ash grey but I don't think anybody can pull it off :(


Andrea Tan
"Omg then how"
"Then then"
"Constance you're damn good" - looks at me editing my photos
I tell her to learn to edit her photos "nooo.. so complicated.. I'll just stick to instagram la."
/laughs hysterically/ - but not as weird as Arabelle
-weird instagram videos of her drinking her waterbottle-
/pedo face/
tells Daryl about his D, like a very protective mother "Omg please take good care of it, if not it'll be v unhygienic" LIKE WATT NOT AS IF SHE'S GONNA SEE HAHAHAHA
-tries to imitate Daryl clubbing in his own world-
"Is my blusher too pink?"
"This is so hard, I'm not good at make-up." - You are perfectly fine.
"Next time bring me shopping w you. How come you get all the cheap stuff?"
Andrea you got a really sweet DJ voice btw heehee love you. See you tomorrow!
Liked by: Andrea Tan


"Tak boleh tahan leh you"
"Im hungry... Go Makanplace eat? Or where you want to eat"
"Panggang Panggang!"
Lots of :* emoji
"No cannot.!!!"
"Constance u good sia"
"Aiyo!!" - damn auntie voice

AND I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY YOU AND WIWI GOT ALL THOSE WEIRD QUESTIONS, WTH?! why do people even ask if you people masturbate, i don't get it :/

Haha let them ask lor

I have a limit on how late to be up so I will go to sleep now :P . It was fun talking to you and even if we both didn't admit doing something we both know the answer anyways hahaha! Hugs! See you again soon! :)

Okay I'm guessing you're not from Singapore? Good night!

Impersonate meeee :)

Clara Joanna
"Omg Con... Or OMG CON!!"
-Laughs at my stupid actions-
"I love gay people"
"We always WALK a lot together"
(I can only walk this much with you)
"Meow meow"
"Huhh" - puzzled face
"Ed Sheeran " WA dp
"Oh... OHhh. OHHHH"
"Where shall we go next?"
"I love you"
Gets excited over small little things
Actually we're pretty similar but different at the same time :) hehe can't wait for our dates!


Language: English