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What bearing does the Big Dipper come with?

It's a centering bearing that the factory sourced for us. It's a decent bearing, but they shipped them dry so we recommend a tiny bit of thin lube to make them play smoother. -Steve

About the person who ask about zach , Is zach was really in team YYF ?

No. Just someone trying to be funny. -Steve

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New colors for the Big Dipper within a month or two?

Even if we ordered them today they wouldn't be here in a month or two. -Steve

I have no questions, but wanted to compliment you guys on the Bi Dipper, I got my first one in today and love it. Feels very substantial, solid, a quality throw. I had to give mine up to my son but the grape I ordered from another vendor should be here tomorrow.

Awesome, thanks for the support! Glad you're enjoying it. We're really, crazy happy about how well they turned out. -Steve

My Big Dipper has crazy pulse vibe. What should I do?

Please contact the store you bought it from and request a replacement. I'm really sorry that a bad one got through. :( -Steve
Liked by: josef Žižka

Since the Big Dipper is a plastic yoyo, does that mean when I knock it on the floor (accedentally of course) it won't loose some of its vibe like metal yoyos do? Thanks!

Yup...plastic return tops tend to be a little more forgiving in that department. :) -Steve

Will there be another run of black and white Orcas? How about solid blue? Thanks

Possibly. We are scheduling another run of Orcas soon, but haven't picked colors yet. -Steve
Liked by: GN Yoyo Co

Why don't the Big Dippers come with string?

All Big Dippers come with one Fat Kitty String. Sounds like yours got left out by mistake. If you would like, we can ship you a string. Just email me at thelodge@clyw.ca. Thanks! -Steve

Oh, yes. It plays great! Thanks for the answer! It tied for my favorite throw within the first 5 minutes. And the ones it tied with were the Borealis and Yeti.

Nice! Glad you're enjoying it!
Injection molding plastic is super weird and a major pain in the butt, ha ha. There are sooo many variables, and so many weird quirks. Sometimes you get picture-perfect parts that play like crap, and sometimes you get funky looking halves that are glass smooth. Thanks for understanding, and glad you're liking the Big Dipper! -Steve
Liked by: Ben Goff

Woah if you'd ever do Rainbow Trout Blizzards I'd imagine people going crazy for them (including myself ofc). Just imagine how gorgeous this would look, especially with the engraving! :O

That would be pretty intense. Not sure our anodizer in China can do them, but worth a try. -Steve

Do you know that feel when you're sitting at work (or anywhere) and thinking about throwing, even imagining the throw and tricks? For me it sometimes goes so far that I can clearly see the string in my mind and even get new ideas or tricks which I'm then excited to try at home! Weird isn't it?

I used to dream of tricks, and wake up in the middle of the night and spend hours figuring them out. -Steve

I just got my Big Dipper today, and I was checking it out when I noticed some weird grooves around the catch zone on one half. Is this normal?

Injection molding plastic has irregularities, always. It's normal. Plays good though, right? -Steve

Hey Steve! Just asking what play style is generally used for slim, normal and fat strings ?

None of those are specific to play style...it's purely a matter of player preference. -Steve

Perhaps my mind is playing tricks on me, but it really seems that the Aqua Snow Tires just seem to have slightly tighter grip/bind than the white ones. It seems that consistently the Aqua's just seem better. Am I imagining things? Or is the *only* difference just the color?

The difference is only color. -Steve


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