

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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I know that girls can be yoyoers and sometimes guys can be sexist but I think a big factor is that they say it's stupid with no knowledge of the sport. For example, my little sister's impression of yoyoing looks like a drunk miniature gorilla attempting to play the drums with its fingers.

You are sexist. -Steve

How exactly does the one off work? You guys put up the one offs on your store on Jan. 9th at 10 pm EST and then everyone is gonna have to just try to snag one before anyone else can? Sounds like it's gonna be a disaster and the server is gonna crash.

So I guess you won't be going for one, then? -Steve

Cold war going on between onedrop and clyw?

LOL! Why are you so hungry for drama? Is life just so easy that you need to make up problems for other people? We aren't fighters, we're lovers. Look for drama somewhere else. :P -Steve
Liked by: Adam E Brewster

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If CLYW is from canada and is based in canada why charge in USD?

Because the majority of our business is in the United States. And if we put prices on our site in Canadian dollars, it would just confuse the heck out of the 95% of our customers who are buying from the US. -Steve

Was the Igloo designed to be more competition-oriented than your other yoyos?

Yep. It was designed because Michael Kurti kind of hit a wall with our product line and needed something to help him get to the next level. According to him, the Igloo is hands down the single best return top he's ever used. We're pretty excited about that. -Steve
Liked by: Robin Stricklin DA

How does the inner steel rim of the igloo affect play compared to the blizzard? Does it make a big difference in feel or is it aesthetically what Maider and Kurti wanted?

It makes a big difference in feel and play. Neither is better than the other, they just feel very different. -Steve

How come the Wooly Marmot 2 was retired early ? Was it not in demand like your other throws ?

It was retired because we ended our working relationship with Jensen. He and Charles wanted to get started on their own company, so we stopped making them and gave him the CAD files. If he wants to make more, he can. -Steve
Liked by: Felipe Tascon

Would you consider making a bimetal chief where the weight ring is inserted into the double rim?

Chris and I talked about that a while ago. Not totally sure how it would work from an assembly standpoint, but it's on our list of "hey, maybe" projects for 2016. -Steve
Liked by: Robin Stricklin

What do you think about Shinya Kido? He's one of my favourite non-CLYW throwers! He looks so passionate, like he really loves what he's doing, always smiling when he throws.

Shinya is fantastic. One of the most consistent players in the world, and a wonderful guy. -Steve
Liked by: Robin Stricklin DA

Happy New Year CLYW! Hope to see more awesome tops from you guys in 2016 :)

Thanks! We've got some truly fantastic plans for 2016 and can't wait to bring them to you. :) -Steve
Liked by: Robin Stricklin

Oh man. The igloo. Beautiful. Also what was the reasoning behind the steel being on the inner ring rather then the outside rim?

Putting the weight ring on the inside of the rim vs. the outside changes the moment of inertia, and changes the way the return top throws, feels, and plays. -Steve

Is there any chance we will see another run of campfires or just cheaper undersized throws in general?

Possibly. -Steve

Maybe you aren't the right man to ask but with yoyojam shutting down and all what will the team members do? Will you be looking at them as possible new members?

There aren't really that many left. I'm sure Grant is plenty busy with school and/or work, same for Ben and Joseph, so it's not like they don't have anything to fill their time with. Ian, Bryan, Sora and Rei left already.
Tessa is hella fantastic, so I'm sure she will have no problem picking up the sponsor of her choice as soon as she decides she wants one. Same for Tylor McCallumore, and Quentin Godet. I don't recall the rest of the team being super active so I'm not sure that yoyoing is that much of a priority for them, and the Apprentice team is still at the beginning of their careers and have plenty of time to decide what they want to do.
Mostly the team was pretty steadily disbanding for the past year anyway, so I don't really see it as that big of a deal. We aren't planning to pick any of them up but we wish them all well. :) -Steve

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Liked by: T. Yen


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