

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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Wouldn't it have been more fitting to do the Scout in Alec's signature colorway than the Bonfire? Just thinking of it because from what you've been saying his fav. would be the Scout right now?

We can't make every color every time on every return top. -Steve
Liked by: Bryan Ngu

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I heard you guys are selling shirts as well. Will it be release next week so that i can save up on shipping cost if i buy a return top from your store.

Shirts will be available only from YoYoExpert. -Steve
Liked by: Bryan Ngu

Was the BBB Glacier Express not sold in public and why? How did Chris decide who to sell it to? And how many were produced?

The glacier express is prone to grey spots due to the shape (bubbles get trapped in the undercuts) so I didn't want to risk doing 10 like we usually do. I think there were less than 5 a-grades due to ano/vibe. So I made sure our #1 BBB collectors got one. Just wasn't enough to go around. -Chris

Maybe you're the wrong person to ask but can you ding a titanium yoyo when you walk the dog to throw sparks?

Grinding it on concrete hard enough for it to throw sparks will definitely scratch up the return top, yes. -Steve

Will there be a next drop for both scout and orca at the same time? What are we expecting in the month of december?

Trying to get Scouts and Orcas and splash Borealis out to retailers ASAP. Will also possibly have an entire production run of Fools Gold Sasquai up this month as well. Plus we have been stashing away some really cool anodizing one-offs and I'm going to drop those on the CLYW store next week! -Steve

they are from kith

I believe this is the answer to "Where does Zach buy his pants?". Either that, or it's just awkward spam from a streetwear store. -Steve

I wish Zachary was getting as much recognition as gentry dos when he one.all I heard was gentry last yeah I don't hear nearly as much about Zachary other than is new sig.😜

I have several theories on this, but zero evidence. But yeah, agreed. Gentry is pretty fantastic and all, but it's weird that for whatever reason out of this year's crop of World Champions, Jake Elliot got a ton of press and Zach barely got any. Believe me, we sent out press releases worldwide and promoted the hell out of him, but for whatever reason it just didn't stick. -Steve

I've noticed that in the yoyo world, every company openly supports other ones. For example, I see companies reposting things from other yoyo companies or sending help their way in hard times. Why do you think yoyoing is different in that the companies don't hate on eachother?

Actually, every company *doesn't* openly support other ones. I could rattle off a few right now that certainly don't, but I see no reason to start some drama.
That said, plenty of companies DO support and congratulate their competitors. It's not specific to the return top industry, I've seen it in plenty of others. The return top industry is nice and all, but it's not particularly special or unique. It's just ours. ;) -Steve
Liked by: Bryan Ngu James Luce


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