

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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Whats the difference b/w deshielded and shielded bearings?

One has a shield, the other does not.
Shields can add interference, but they also add protection. So do you want your bearing to be a little faster but have a higher chance of getting gummed up and dying, or have them run a little slower and last a lot longer? -Steve

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What exactly makes the Cabin Tutorials expensive?

We pay our players to be in them, and we pay people to film and edit them. And we shoot at least 10-15 at a time. Adds up quickly. -Steve
Liked by: Bryan Ngu

so I had a idea, since you guys can't or don't do mystery boxes you should run clyw lotteries, say 5 bucks a ticket and prizes reflect the amount of tickets sold. lets say 100 tickets sold so 500 made and the prize could be a random return top and a shirt or something. could bring in lots of cash.

Nah. Thanks for the suggestion, though. -Steve
Liked by: Robin Stricklin

Any different guys doing some Cabin Tutorials soon? Would love to see Petr Kavka do some.

We would love to do a ton more, but it's expensive and we already have a bunch from Yuuki, Riccardo, and Maider that we haven't posted yet. As soon as we can afford it, I promise we'll do more! -Steve
Liked by: Bryan Ngu cuniculata

Which yoyo plays more like the chief? The scout or the orca?

Scout is probably closer, but they really are noticeably different. -Steve

how do players transfer yoyo team/sponser so quickly? is it possible for other yoyo teams to offer a sponsorship to one who is already sponsered if their close to the other brand or something along that line?

Players go where they want, and go where they feel valued and welcomed and loved. While some brands will actively recruit people on other company teams, most people avoid doing this as it can be considered pretty rude. -Steve
Liked by: allpiearegood

Do you think the yeti 2.0 will be ready before new years?

Absolutely not. No chance of that happening at all. -Steve

Do you think the scout and orca will still be available and not be discontinued in summer 2016?

Both will still be available for the forseeable future. -Steve

How did you discover Alec before sponsoring him? And how did you discover Harrison?

We found Alec in a cabbage patch. He was curled up under some loose cabbage leaves and we were all like "hey buddy, you want to be on a yoyo team?" and he said "GPOS DINFSG" because he was raised by cabbages and spoke no English. But he learned quick, and (lucky us) he turned out to be one hell of a yoyo player.
Harrison answered an ad we put on Craigslist. -Steve


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