

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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what causes an ano flaw? what exactly is it?

Usually it's a problem with some kind of residue or buildup on the parts themselves. So a color will be faded and crappy instead of even, or there will be spots that shouldn't be there, or something like that. -Steve
Liked by: James Liptak

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will there ever be another run of the old splashes of the chief? (including really old ones like camp caribou blizzard)

Maybe. I think we're gonna do a run of solids soon...haven't done solid Chiefs in a loooooong time. -Steve

so your ano provider wouldnt give your products preference? I mean c'mon your CLYW!!

I'm sure "we're CLYW" sounds really impressive to return top players but dude, do you have any idea how incredibly tiny we are compared to the average small business? Crazy tiny. -Steve
Liked by: DA Andrew Chamczuk

How many of the harrison hurricane fade orcas were sold? I heard only a few were sold...

There were only 3 available. Lots of b-grades on that one. -Steve
Liked by: Andrew Chamczuk

What is the most notable difference in the play between the AC2 and the Orca?

Mostly I would say it's the "everything about the way they play is different" part. -Steve
Liked by: Andrew Chamczuk

How old is CLYW? Will there be anniversary sales?

9 years old. CLYW will be 10 next year and we are planning some special releases for the anniversary. -Steve
Liked by: Andrew Chamczuk

If Puffin 2 is retiring after one more run does that mean that Palli has a new return top in the works?

Yup! -Steve

have orcas shipped to retailers yet?

Not yet, but they will soon. Should be released in the next couple of weeks. -Steve

Is it possible to get girls by yoyoing?

Yes. Not treating them like an "other", and not having a ton of boys fawning over them and treating them like crap on social media would be a good first step. -Steve

Hey Steve, puffin 2 vs bonfire? I know the sizes are different, but how is the play?

I like 'em both. Both are floaty and fast. I think the Bonfire is a bit more "likeable" for a wide range of players, while the Puffin 2 is a little more specific. The Puffin 2 is crazy fast, and really suits a play style like Palli's so if you dig similar tricks and style, go for it. -Steve

What makes clyw look for new anodizing company. With a new found anodize co, does it means that u guys are slowly not using them anymore?

What made us look for a new anodizer was our old anodizer being 12 weeks behind, and us not having any return tops to sell.
Luckily they are back on track so they can handle stuff for us again. But now that means we still have a new anodizer, so hopefully we won't have any more delays like that again. -Steve
Liked by: Shintaro Noda

how would you say the Sasquatch and the avalanche compare? Faster, floatier? etc?

Avalanche is faster and floatier, Sasquatch is more stable and longer spinning. -Steve


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