

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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Will clyw be at Florida states? It's going to be my first comp and I would love to see the pros do it

I don't think we're going to have any players there....no one in the area, plus it's a really small contest. -Steve

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For my graduation project I am studying the impact of technology changes on yoyoing and I think CLYW captures it amazingly well. I am currently in need of an outside expert to answer some questions that I may have along the way. Is there any chance of anyone can help me out with this?

Email us at thelodge@clyw.ca and we'll see what we can do. -Steve

Steve, you are gracious in the face of unnecessary harassment, and I commend you for that. also, can I sail the arctic with you on your ship table? that thing sounds rad!

Christopher Lloyd Mehaffey
I'm not bad in the face of necessary harassment either, ha ha ha. ;)
Thanks! -Steve

Yeah you tell em Steve. The quality yuiness (you guys) deliver is outstanding, no one deserves to give or receive that hash.

All good. Thanks for your support! -Steve

Yeah I see why it would be hard designing a sig for chuck he's so diverse in how plays with return tops an how he likes to switch up the ones he uses so often it would probly be hard to bottle the essences of his play into a return top. If that makes sense at all?

Nah...he's really specific about what he wants. It's just the usual struggle of bridging the gap between what the player wants, what the fans want, what is going to sell, what we can produce consistently, and what fits well in the current line. Balancing act! -Steve
Liked by: Anthony Sylvia

Kids these days man. got no respect! Vibe or not, CLYW is the bomb! -Hayden

Thanks dooder. It's not "these days" though....it's always been this way, and always will. Not even worried.
Liked by: Grahame Wright

I'm going mountain climbing pretty soon. It's gonna be cold. Do I need special cold-weather lube for my bearings, or will normal Onedrop 4VM be fine?

Gotta be honest, I have absolutely no idea. I could toss off something flippant like "no big, you'll be fine" but I really have no experience in that regard. Sorry I can't help! -Steve
Liked by: Anthony

when will the next set of chiefs be released ? :3 I've been waiting sooooo long and patiently lol

They're in the machining queue. Should be a few months. -Steve

What colors are going to be produced for the last batch of AC2?

I have no idea what Chris ordered. It's a surprise! -Steve

Do you know who will be attending PNWR? Jenny Kim Kim best be coming

Not sure yet! I'll poke the team and see what's what. -Steve

Steve, why do you suppose that hater put the word "better" in quotations in his or her poorly constructed and idiotic rant?

I find that attempting to dissect the grammatical shortcomings of people who gain pleasure from anonymously talking smack online is a rabbit hole that is not worth diving into. -Steve

i think the shape of the orca looks like it was influenced by the chief and wm2, Is it?

The shape of the Orca was inspired by what Harrison wanted in a return top. This is not something where we just did a mashup of existing models, like what Petr wanted with the Scout. This is a new jam, and other than the pointed CLYW post and the inner rim profile from the Puffin, everything else on this model is new. -Steve

what are the next yoyo's coming out (not the new ones) but just restocks?

We've got like EVERYTHING in production right now, just need to get through this anodizing bottleneck!
More soonish of the Wooly Marmot 2, final run of AC2, Sasquatch, and Puffin 2 are all at the anodizer. Next in the machining queue are full production of the Orca and Scout, plus Avalanche, Bonfire, and Chief.
I'm gonna drop the Advance Scout on Thursday of this week. Yep. That soon. -Steve

Steve I really hate that you have to see the bad .1➗ Of the Yoyo community. Everyone else has ur back

It's really not a problem. I've been around long enough now that I've seen EVERYTHING. I don't let anonymous trolls get me down...at this point I just shake 'em off.

Will chuck's signature be made after the orca? Please? Will it be released before the end of the year do you think?

We just haven't settled on a design yet to move to the prototype stage. That's between Chris and Charles though...I have no idea how much/little they've been working on it. Charles is kinda hard to pin down some times, and Chris is a busy dude. -Steve
Liked by: Jaeho Kim Sylvia

How do you anodize special designs, like Harrison hurricane. (How do all the yo yos have the same special design in the same places)?

Anodizing is like any other artistic medium...the results can be duplicated, with varying degrees of precision and success. But the designs are not the same every time, nor is their placement. -Steve


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