

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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Have Harrison's and Chuck's signature return tops gotten prototypes yet? Are they similar to other return tops you make, or brand new?

Not yet. But ya they are brand new. - Chris

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I got a fg sunrise kingdom wm2 that has no vibe and no apparent anno flaws... I'm glad I got a good one but I wish you guys got full price from me for this beauty.

No worries! Thanks for the support! - Chris
Liked by: Sean Ng

Do you pick a weight then design the throw around that weight or just design it how you want then just go with whatever weight it is?

I design for look - shape and then factor in weight and play. I don't know it's a balancing act, lol. The whole process is a balancing act. - Chris

Chris, would you sell me a mint condition Chief in Musket colorway to help fund your children's college costs?

Sorry I don't have one :(
- Chris

When you design a yoyo, do you do it with a particular play style or feel in mind, or just design it creatively and see how it plays?

A little bit of both. I have a better feel now for play. Also when I design the inner hub I try to optimize for play. - Chris

Hey Chris, what would you say is the most important tip/rule for someone looking to to start a yoyo company? Thanks!

Do something unique, have fun and have good intentions. If it's just to make money, people see right through that. - Chris

Hey Chris, I've heard you use solidworks when you cad a yoyo. When I cad yoyos using solidworks I find I dimension as little as possible until the design is close to done which just feels kinda wrong so I was wondering how much you dimension as you're working and if you have any tips?

I start with a solid cylinder that has the OD and Width of the final shape. Then I make cuts. I start with a rough shape and no dimensions then I add dimensions at the end to tweak shapes and then get the weight right. - Chris

Favourite yoyo that you have created as well as a favourite you didn't create! Go!

I'm most proud of the Yeti just can't believe that it happened. For one I didn't make is the Countach by Anti-Yo. Wish I had one. - Chris

Can i replace the stripped axle on my yeti? (it stripped when it hit the ground)

Nope. The brass insert inside is most likely what stripped. - Chris

Chris, where were the confetti puffin 2's from the second run made?

They were sold to a couple stores. - Chris

Chris,What's month in 2015 Chuck's signature return top will be in store?? I'm very excited...

No date set yet. Sorry. - Chris

How much does it cost to make one custom high end metal yoyo?

Just one? Prob $600-1500. Depends on the machine shop and how much it costs for tooling and programming. - Chris


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