

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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so what exactly is the criteria for deciding what models to retire? besides the obvious sponsored player leavng. The Canvas by seeming all accounts is a very popular yoyo, why did you discontinue it?

No set criteria...we just kinda feel it out. -Steve

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is that new red white and blue color called 28 stories because it looks different?

Nope, that's Latitude 53. -Steve

For real though. I was gonna try my hand at cooking poutine and i can't find cheddar curd anywhere :( I mean....what's not good with gravy on it?

chrismehaffey’s Profile PhotoChristopher Lloyd Mehaffey
Even though there are no restaurants that serve poutine here in Cleveland, I can find cheese curds and make my own, no problem. I'm lucky! -Steve

Nobody makes the rounds like the great STEVE BROWN! you have worked for the big three, Duncan, Yoyofactory, and finally CLYW. which one has been THE most fun/best to work for?

CLYW has definitely been the most fun so far. I've got nothing but love for my friends at YoYoFactory, though. We had some great times and they treated me really well. -Steve
Liked by: Dean Horneck

how many colors are there on the grey bip bop bonfire? will it be priced higher than the rest?

Yes, Bip Bop will be priced higher. -Steve

when somebody uses the hashtag clyw do you write their name down on paper and then on the contest day you just pick names that you wrote down out of a bowl? and also how do you know who won first place, second place and third place?

We have magic robots that sort all the entries for us, and then we'll use a random number generator to pick 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place. -Steve

Does it hurt a return top or negatively affect it in any way to screw and unscrew the halves a lot?

Any metal part is going to wear over time, and the threading inside the axle well is probably the most susceptible to wear over time. If you are unscrewing and reassembling occasionally, it shouldn't be a problem. If you're doing it 20 times a day, yeah...it's going to cause problems. -Steve

Hey! Do you know how much of the crew is gonna be coming up to Las Vegas in December?

Harrison Lee is coming for sure, and I believe that Zach, Andrew, and Abe are a "maybe". -Steve

I heard that scout will be more expensive than other clyw return tops what you ever made ... is that true ?

Nope, not true. -Steve

where can i buy a yeti? i got robbed like six month ago and they took my backpack that was with my chief :c so i got out of the yoyo world for a while but now i want to get a yeti and i can't find one anywhere any re-stocks coming soon?

We're hoping to have more available soon. -Steve


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