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Okay. so I'm really torn. I'm thinking about getting either a chief or gnarwhal 2. I like the midsize and shape of the gnarwhal and the play of the chief. and I tried a gnarwhal 2 at a contest and loved it. but the chief is dreamy! ugh idk! can you help?

I always lean towards Chief. -Steve
Liked by: Jacob Jeans

"a canine + a gill bearing aquatic craniate animal that lacks limbs with digits and combined with a body of water with current confined within a bed and stream banks" colorway on teh Chief pls?

Buggot’s Profile PhotoLac Phan
Dogfish River? Huh? -Steve
Liked by: Jacob Jeans

Is Chris the founder and you are the co owner of clyw? Or what is your job for clyw?

Chris is the founder and owner. I'm the Team & Marketing Manager. -Steve
Liked by: Jacob Jeans

ermahgad chief or advance scout ? Which should I get 😱

You mean Chief or Scout? I like both, but I tend to reach for the Chief more often. -Steve

Can you show us what the new models being made in China look like?

We've got four new models in various states of production right now.
The Borealis is being made in the US, and is currently being anodized.
Zach's new plastic sig model is being made in China, and they are working on tooling now.
Andrew's new sig model is being made in China, and we are waiting on our first samples from the factory to test the play. Photos look amazing, though.
Puffin 3 has finished the design phase, and will *most likely* be made in the US, although I honestly haven't talked to Chris about it lately.
We tried making plastic in North America (the Yeti) and it was a disaster. Chinese factories are much, much better at this sort of thing now than many US shops. Andrew's signature model will be a bi-metal, and the cost was just way too high for us to produce it in the US. By making it overseas we can keep the pricing similar to the rest of our line, although the color selection will be a bit more limited. Trade-offs!

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When are Chiefs being released?

OFFICIAL RELEASE IS 10 PM EST - 7 PM PDT (09/24) | 2AM (09/25) GMT
Colors are orange, silver, blue, gold, green, and grey. -Steve


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