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10th anniversary stuff releasing when? Also would I need more than 150$ to take in all the goodness?

Releasing in December. -Steve

Is the "after this stock the banana hammock will never be available anymore" also going to be applied to the future pool party's releases, or it's like this because Anthony's sig will be similar to the BH?

It will be applied to all future Pool Party releases. Everything from Pool Party will be "one and done", according to Chris. Unless he changes his mind later, but I kinda doubt it. -Steve

Can you describe the play of the expedition?

Stable, zippy, very similar to a Shutter but a little faster and the Snow Tires give it a really tight, clean bind. -Steve

Who created moebius? Who on the team does that kind of tricks?

Doc Pop created it. I don't think anyone on the CLYW team does much with it. -Steve
Liked by: ca9wolf

Will Heaven Sent come out with another yoyo or is Alec getting one sig?

No idea. Probably? I think there is another round of the Creep coming first, though. -Steve
Liked by: Shintaro Noda

When do bi-metal B-Hams get shipped out? Super stoked to own one

I wanted to ship them last week, but FedEx screwed up and got them from Canada to Ohio without properly putting them through customs...so they got shipped back to the FedEx hub for proper customs clearance. UGH. They are back en route though, and I think they should be delivered to me tomorrow...so I'll try to get orders processed and packed tomorrow and shipped on Wednesday. -Steve
Liked by: Beefswizzle_yoyo

Did you get the TYY-01 from Steve's cancer fund? If so, what are your opinions on it?

I did! It's super nice, although I haven't had much time to play with it. Like every SPYY yoyo, it feels like it was designed and made with someone specific in mind. It's what I love most about SPYY. -Steve

I'm a bit new to yoyo contest and have been wondering this. If a contestant makes it to the next round, do they have to make up a whole new freestyle in the few hours they have? Doesn't it take months to craft a normal freestyle?

It's generally advisable to have a unique freestyle for each round of competition.
As for how long it takes you to build a freestyle...that's totally different from player to player. Just depends on how long it takes you! -Steve

Steve, why did you block mr on instagram?

Andy Riley
Didn't block you...I got rid of about 2600 followers on Instagram and then made my account private. I'm slowly doing the same on Facebook. I'm in the process of reclaiming my social media accounts to just be a place to connect with close friends and family instead of an extension of work. -Steve
Liked by: Andy Riley

No the one in the clyw story. "Double the ring funky the fun" Is that a revised chief?

AH. Nope, that's something different. ;) -Steve


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