

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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is the orca color colorway on the orca a black body with clear splash?

Yup. Posted a picture of it already, too. Scroll on down...it's like hunting for treasure! -Steve
Liked by: Nathaniel Varela

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How does the anodizeder do a splash fade? Or is it really the fade with a heavy splash of the 'solid' color over it?

No idea. My guess is magic. -Steve
Liked by: Yoyo Schweitzer

I think I'm going to have a panic attack Avalanche, Gnarwal 2 or Puffin 2. Im having a really hard time deciding.

Gnarwhal 2 is crazy underrated, but Avalanche and Puffin 2 won't be around much longer. -Steve

The new finishes look shinier to me. Like I am used to a silky matte paint kind of feel and the new ones look more like a tackier gloss. Do they feel that way as well?

These are neither tacky nor glossy. They are still a matte finish. -Steve

Hey, weird question, but were the 44clash five panels all made identical or do they have unique patterns? Like, on the jackrabbit will every hat have the rabbits in the same place?

Unique patterns. -Steve

Have you ever considered having an apprentice team like yoyojam?

Nah. Doesn't really fit what we're doing. -Steve

Have you ever considered having your team tour around college campuses? Tons of people get stoked on yoyo's. Its like a black magic that the majority has no idea about....

That's a great suggestion for Duncan or YoYoFactory or Yomega. -Steve

Steve, I know many companies are using your old anodizer but they all look like CLYW copies. Vice versa, I can't help but think that the new anodizer has made CLYW yoyos look like ones from another company. They look great though!

Well, everything changes. And since there are only a tiny handful of places doing anodizing, I think that people are going to have to get used to the idea that ano jobs are going to look similar from one manufacturer to the next. We all do what we can to make our stuff look as unique as possible, but when everyone is trying to remix the same few resources, there's only so much you can do, ya know? -Steve

How will you let everyone know when FGs will be on sale?

I was planning on just going out on my porch and yelling "FOOLS GOLD COME AND GET EM" but I guess you folks expect a higher level of customer service than that.
So we'll announce it through all of our normal channels. And starting with this batch we'll be offering these through the CLYW store again. I'm going to close down bgradeyoyos.com because no one else really got on board with it so there isn't much point on running a b-grade store when only CLYW wants to use it, ya know? -Steve

Any news on the fg release?

They are at the engraver now, should be done sometime next week. After that we have to re-count, snap pics, get the product listings up in the store, and then announce the sale. -Steve


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