

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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I know that the yoyo industry has to be kid friendly, but do you ever feel like the persistence of a clean cut image sometimes holds back the creativity of many players? Especially when watching youtube, sometimes it feels like the players are stifled by not being able to openly express themselves.

That's a legitimately fascinating conversation, so forgive me now for only giving you a truncated version of it in this particular forum.
There are a lot of things to consider. First, having enforced boundaries/goals are generally proven to make people more creative, not less. It just makes that creative process harder since you have to maintain a stricter degree of focus, something that is often inherently difficult for creative-types.
Second, I don't think the industry DOES have to be "kid friendly". I think the larger companies that are banking on mass-market sales and appeal absolutely do, but within the industry most companies are so small that if they had the creativity and the wherewithal they could get away with an awful lot.
NOW: the thing to keep in mind is that obscenity, vulgarity, questionable themes, etc....these things can all fulfill a creative purpose, but they are blunt instruments that can cause a lot of damage if not used properly. Now let's have some real talk here: how many people in the industry would you legitimately consider to be "subtle", or have any grasp on how to make a point with focus and precision? My list can be counted on one hand. Just because you have a word in your vocabulary doesn't mean you're going to use it right, or use it well.
You'll notice on YoYoNews that I post "NSFW" content from time to time, and clearly label it as such. I think that, as with all things, there are degrees of what is a lil' dirty and what is just downright over the line, and I think that by and large most players who could ride that line well often do, and generally do it in a manner I consider appropriate...which is to say they pick their time and place.
Alec Baldwin's famous sales speech from the film "Glengarry Glen Ross" is, to my mind, the shining example of the impact that "profanity" can have on setting the tone and communicating something incredible. It's used in exactly the right way, and anyone who argues that scene would be just as powerful without it is an idiot.
Time and a place for everything. Learning how to recognize them is the key. -Steve

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Steve, I'll try to send a pic of the speckle things tomorrow. It might be hard to capture or hard to see. For now, though, should I worry about it?

It's nothing to worry about, it's purely aesthetic. -Steve
Liked by: Jacob Jeans

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Are those script CLYW tshirts with the pick ax on the back going to be available for sale?

We're working on some new apparel...should be available soon! -Steve

The "clear ano" kind of looks like wierd packaging glue stuff that may have left residue but you can't feel anything and it does not affect play. I'm just wondering what it is. It kind of, maybe, looks like a faint scratch but there are a bunch of them in speckle formation. So...

Send a pic, please! -Steve

Those weird "clear" speckles are not feelable and can only be seen when they are at the correct angle to light? Based on this info, what can you tell me? I can still try to send a pic if you want.

Send a pic, please. -Steve

hey how many bonfires in the new run? i wanna get one but i can't until next week when i get the money for then MAYBE so try and save one ok?

This run was 300 pieces total. We aren't selling them direct, so if you want a retailer to hold one for you I suggest you email them quickly! -Steve
Liked by: Jacob Jeans

Holy crap vibe does like zero. I used to freak out until I realized that yoyos still play smooth. And you get more accomplished when you work on tricks rather than do a fingernail test!!

We insist that our brand new yoyos ship with zero vibe but man, you should see the ones we use every day, ha! -Steve
Liked by: Jacob Jeans

how can I fix vibe on my yoyo?

Since I have no idea what caused it or what kind of vibe it is, I can't offer a solution. Send more details to thelodge@clyw.ca. -Steve

There are some weird like clear ano speckles on one side (mostly the rim) of my confetti Puffin 2. There are none on the other side. I was wondering if this is an ano flaw or could be caused by the fingernail test and whether I should worry about it or not.

Seriously you guys, enough with the fingernail test already, it doesn't affect ano! Promise!
I can't tell what you're talking about without a clear picture. Hit me with one at thelodge@clyw.ca and I'll take a look.

Where's that new Cabin Tutorial?!? ;D haha

I got a little bogged down with other things today....pushing the release to tomorrow! -Steve

Tell me about these XXX microns...

Ha ha...I'm as far from an engineer as you can get, so I doubtless chose the wrong unit of measurement for that example. But the point, I hope, was made. ;) -Steve

Back to the question regarding the finger nail test for vibe - what is "acceptable"? If the return top does not rattle with the grinds? Since vibe is qualitative and often subjective, how does CLYW ensure uniformity in the QC. What are the "standards"?

Since vibe is qualitative and often subjective, there are not quantifiable "standards". Since these are hand-tested and not machine tested it's not like I can say "We allow for up to XXX microns of variance". But when we hand-test, we spin the return top, touch a fingernail to the spinning body, and if it's smooth enough that we're satisfied, it passes.
Basically, it should feel smooth enough that we can't imagine anyone would have an issue with it. And since it's a premium product being sold to a customer base that is notoriously finicky and magnificently vocal about the tiniest of flaws, real or imagined, we consider to ourselves "Is this smooth enough that we're not going to get a blast of "My cheap chinese piece of crap is smoother than CLYW hype hype hype LOL" on Facebook about it.
That said, we just had a dead smooth return top returned recently for vibe issues because a customer couldn't throw it straight. So sometimes, you just can't win, ha ha ha. ;)
We really, truly love what we do. And we love how much people have grown to love and trust the CLYW brand. We go to great lengths to makes sure that every return top that ships out is something that we feel proud of. Chris, Charles and I take each and every comment about CLYW (good or bad) incredibly personally so we're pretty strict about what leaves and what doesn't. -Steve

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Liked by: Vašek Andrš

How does the gnarwhal play compared to the chief?

The Chief plays bigger and lighter, what most people would consider "floaty". The Gnarwhal is a little more compact...it plays more like a Puffin, but with more concentrated rim weight. It holds spin really well, much like its big brother the Sasquatch. -Steve
Liked by: Sean Ng

when is scout releasing

We'll have a very limited quantity of the "Advance Scout" at 44Clash, and the rest of them will be available shortly after we get back from Japan, right after Thanksgiving.
For more details on just what that is, check our blog tomorrow! -Steve


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