

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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You've said in the past that you are short on time and labor to finish all the Yetis. Ever think of hosting a pizza, poutine, and pints party to assemble them and invite your friends from around North America? Only 24 hour drive from Iowa. I'm sure we could pick up a few people on the way.

Haha, yes actually we have thought of that! Right now we just need to find a minute in the day for ourselves to attend said pizza party. It's been quite busy in our lives. -Chuck
Liked by: Anthony

Any tips on getting the slack to swing around in yuukified poutine bucket? Whenever I drop the slack and twist my wrist, it either just hangs there, or I wind up swinging the triangle.

It is a weird movement to get down, very finicky. Try snapping/whipping your thumb over to the left as you let go of the slack. Also, I keep a firm tension in the mount before the whip, so the when I let go it releases and travels further.

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What brand socks is Chuck wearing in the "chedda cheese and guacamole" cabin tutorials video on YouTube?

I can't quite remember, but I bought them at a store called "Simon's" I do believe.
Liked by: Anthony

Chuck, did you ever see yourself 3 years ago being in charge of clyw's social media and having a big part in the say of what CLYW does?

not in the slightest! I am very grateful
Liked by: Anthony

Why you guys dont make more yoyo? i mean... example Puffin 2 its already all sold out in 1 day, you guys could make more for making money and everyone could be happy

It is very hard to get machinist's capable of hitting the tolerances we require. The guys at one drop are at the pinnacle of their craft, so that's where we get all our return tops machined! To answer your question; Shawn and David have to sleep at some point! They can only make so many quality return tops in a day.
Liked by: Anthony

I love the Yeti (the yoyo and Dirtbag Yeti)! <3 Can Chuck post a video of what his BAC freestyle would have been if he made finals?

Haha, I'm gonna work on a video project with those tricks in em. Check back in July boy! -Chuck
Liked by: Anthony

From the third run Bonfires which was your favorite colorway or favorites?

Space Blizzard and Confetti turned out pretty amazing!

Plans for new or restocked shirts? I've been trying to get my hands on that one with the horns coming out of the yoyo for a while now, but they've sold out everywhere.

Hrm...haven't thought much about shirts lately. Probably won't be doing anything with the antlers again, since we really don't use that art anymore, but maybe it's time for an updated version?

Will Charles make a cabin tutorial with the Chief or Bonfire?

Maybe? If he feels like throwing one when he's filming?
Liked by: Anthony

hey guys, quick question for tommorow. how i can pay for those fools gold if im frǒ europe? over a paypal or is there another way? cause i dont have paypal...

The store accepts PayPal or any major credit card.

how many b-grade Wooly Marmot 2's are there? and why are they b-stock?

Actually none...forgot they were set aside for someone. Sorry. :(
Liked by: Anthony

Do you ever try to leave the house then see a yoyo laying on your kitchen table and think "I'll just give this s a couple quick throws" then you put it down and it's almost a hour later. Then you have to explain to your boss why you're late?

Ha ha no.

Any cabin tutorials with the Bonfire or the Chief?

Part of me wants to dig through them just to give you links and be helpful.
Another part of me is all like "Does it matter what they're using? Those tricks are baller!"
And yet another part of me is saying "If I ignore this question, he'll go dig through and watch them all, and that will make our view count go up."
Just a little glimpse into the thought process of a yeti.


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