

Ask @christyurr

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hi! is DREAM HIGH the drama where it says that "Life is like a game of billiards (pool)? Can you tell me that quote please.

I'm not really sure...

Would you do Tree of Heaven quotes? I've watched it and there were many beautiful quotes

Sorry~. I don't have quotes for that drama.

Can post english translation of paradise...please... If there's only a chance. ∩__∩ thanks.

미안 ~~ ㅠ_ㅠ I can't find English Translations huhuhu.

Sorry to bother, just heard a song-AOA black- without you, really love but just feel familiar with it, would you help to check, is it an original song or a reproduce one. tks. since I can not find any on the internet. tks.

Im not into AOA so I'm not really sure.. I checked and seems like its AOA's song... I believe its their own :) :)

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