
SC : chrisnawatinovi

Ask @chris_novia28

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I really like your fashion and the way you dressed, but do other people often stare at you because of it? If yes, how do you deal with it? One day I wore an outfit that in my opinion is just an ordinary outfit but there are MANY people stares at me and it was really awkward, oh my.

hey there thanks so much ! ❤️
yess people always stare at me. and i'm getting used to it. i have to deal with those peeps everyday. but thats fine tho.
people have their own opinions and perspective about what they see, dont they ?
the most simple way is just ignore their stares :)))

Kak mau nanya nih, aku kan punya floral blazer. Nah tapi bingung deh ngemixmatchnya :( kalo buat casual gt mending gmn ya? Atau ada alternatif pemakaian blazernya? Thanks!

kalo casual yaa paling simple kamu paduin sama t-shirt or tank top polos. bawahannya bisa pake jeans or skater skirt. hope that helps !

kak, make up yg ke acara resmi itu apa aja? urutin dong satu2 hehehe

hmm kalo aku nih ya :
1. skincare (serum and moisturizer)
2. primer
3. foundation or bb cream
4. filling eyebfows with brow powder or brow pencil
5. eyeliner
6. mascara
7. waterliner
8. powder
9. blush on
10. lipstick
and it's done :)))
Liked by: cacha liansky nay

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Cici kan fashion blogger, pasti punya banyak sepatu sm pakaian. Terus dapet uang nya darimana ci?

dari kerjaa sih kalo kmrn2 :)))

Kak, cara pake lipstick supaya bgs gimana sih? Ak setiap pake lipstick lama kelamaan pasti bibirnya jd kering dan agak ngelupas gtu

tergantung merk lipstick nya sih.
samaa perawatan bibir kamu kaya gimana :)))

lululul galau juga :(? serius? :(

well...inhale exhale ajaa nihh bro :(((
we're in the same club hahahaha lololol

2 mio itu apa kak?wkwk tp btw tato nya bagus bangettt ga mainstream i love hihi

2 jeti taiyeeeee hehehe
terimakasih banyak yaaa anon baik ✌️❤️

Suka banget sama tato tato kakaaaaa❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

helenhidayat’s Profile PhotoHelen
waahh terimakasih banyaak yaa kamuu ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Liked by: dhaffa Helen

Kak kayaknya lebih sering main2 ke daerah jakarta barat ya? Hihi

hahaha gimana bisaa coba jelasin non, jaraang banget non aku ke sana :p


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