
Carmen Brillianwati

Ask @chloelovegood

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where do u usually read english novels? would you mind recommending me some good english novels?

I read them on my phone, through iBooks. Download them from the internet bc I'm too broke to get the real books (as much as I want them).
I've recommended some before (scroll down). It depends on what you like?
Oh, and I haven't read for a while, I feel like a sinner :')

What's a warning sign that you're in the presence of bad company?

I believe you could feel it.
Some people aren't sensitive enough to realize it tho.
OR, they are denying it with their own made-up, illogical reasons. That's why lots of people get hurt bc they let poisonous ppl stay.

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update your blog please ;)

I have some stuff waiting to be posted tbh. But I don't find them very interesting. If only someone could lend me his/her hand to take my pictures (kode ini)
Also, sth is wrong with Blogger. I tried customising the theme (font, color, etc.), and when I apply it to my blog, nothing changes. Every. Single. Time. So frustrated.

Will you remember if I say that we had a one night stand a few days ago?

Your name doesn't ring a bell, perhaps you weren't memorable enough?

Carmen, it's care less. Not trying to be a grammar nazi, but when you want to get mad on someone, you do it with flying grammars (a phrase i made lol like flying colors) to hit the person right on the spot

1. Okay, I'm sorry, I got that wrong.
(I've actually googled it before and I still got it wrong. Okay, I'm so stupid, I admit.)
2. Thank you for that. I can't handle grammar mistakes, so when I make one, I expect people to correct me, so thank you!
3. I'm not mad.
4. It's 'get mad at someone'.

Have you and jovan ever thought about starting a relationship?

You need to "think about starting a relationship"?
I thought you just needed to follow your heart.
And no, I can't even imagine us getting married and having babies OH GOD MY BRAIN.
But we did make a pact tho. If we're both still single at the age of 40, then let's get married for the sake of not being lonely.
Liked by: Jessiechuwardi

Lolz it's so cute to see jova getting mad on his page to defend you and mc XD

It is not cute.
You know what I find cuter?
The fact that the anonym actually spares his/her time just to observe us when we couldn't even careless.
Thank you for the attention, darling.

Why does everyone call me koko in askfm like wtf

Maybe bc:
1. They are younger than you.
2. They want to hide their identity by pretending to be someone who's "younger" than you.
3. They feel like it's appropriate since everybody else calls you that.
Liked by: Kelly Tan

Cc dkt x sm kk jovan cc prnh pnya feelings buat kk jovan ngak?

I used to have a crush on him back when we were in the 7th grade. I still do, tbh.
To be fair, he used to have a crush on me, too. Guess he still does bc c'mon, it's me we're talking about here /rolls eyes/. Nah jk.
But that's about it.
I suppose it's because we both fancy awesome individuals.

I lost it on "the honor to hear me fart" LOL

But it's true.
No one has ever heard me fart before.
You were - how shall I put this non-sexually - my first ;)

Mention your friend(s) who : 1. Laughs hysterically | 2. Swears a lot | 3. Eats like a pig | 4. Thinks critically | 5. You care for | 6. Cares for you | 7. You'd fart together with | 8. You'd hangout 24 hours with | 9. You'd murder a person with | 10. You consider as an adopted sister or brother

1. Catherine, with her very own seal-clap.
2. Jovan/Scor/Jaswin. Can't decide bc all are as bad.
3. Kelly. She eats so much I wonder if she was born with different stomach.
4. Jovan the debate guy.
5. Each and every one of them lol
6. Each and every one of them ;)
7. Jovan, bc he was the first person to have the honor to hear me fart (apart from my family ofc).
8. Any of my close friends and of course, the ELDS peeps.
9. Probably Scor. He watches lots of movies, bet he's good in hiding the body.
10. To be very honest, I actually consider all my close friends as my beloved sons and daughters, no kidding.

Impersonate Jovanovick!

Profanities. Lots of them. The most common one is: "Emai, chxkku lho ya,"
"Jovan is sadddd," with his sickening fake-sad expression.
"Eh, khi be ciak yok,"
"Lu cai hamiksu (insert a good situation) bo? Karena u wa, i khua than wa yentau,"
"So basically..."
*typical hand gestures*
*touches the side of his head while talking*
*adjusts his eyes(?)* Like pulling his under-eye skin and does sth to the corner of his eyes (what)
*perfect Scream ghost face after hearing sth shocking*
*says sth that annoys people and then looks somewhere else as if suddenly interested in the ceiling/sky/surrounding areas when stared back by the said annoyed person*

Recommend songs :D

Macklemore & Ryan Lewis feat. Schoolboy Q & Hollis- White Walls
Passion Pit - Take A Walk, Carried Away
Madeon feat. Passion Pit - Pay No Mind
The Mowgli's - I'm Good, San Francisco
Truls - The Next, Out of Yourself
Magic Man - Paris
Ra Ra Riot - Beta Love
Oh Honey - Be Okay
Mainstream indie, mostly :)

Ci describe ko jova dung

Isn't that like animals' crap?
Jovanovick Luidaniel.
Firstly, I won't write anything regarding his debating skills (we all know he's a natural and that's that) bc then he'll comment on how every time someone is asked to describe him, it always has sth to do with debate thingy (this is a part of the description as he feels like there is nothing to be proud of from his debating skills, I know right, such bull crap.)
We are talking about a guy who is not that tall, has dark skin, owns unruly hair and yet still manages to have people fangirl/fanboy over him.
A voice that melts even the coldest hearts, an accent anyone would swoon over, his interesting way of thinking. These are part of the reasons why.
Now, randomly: He is smart (AND lazy at the same time). He is very sensitive in terms of social gestures(?) He'll appreciate even a small "thank you" or "sorry". He loves his sister so much. He doesn't notice this, but he complains about people, a lot. He is subconsciously emotional and sentimental. Might not get married/have children. CLAIMS to be awesome. Eats lots of kerupuk/gorengan when he knows perfectly well how harmful it is to his already harmed throat:') A little brother in our circle of friends. Acts like one (which is sometimes cute, and sometimes annoying especially when he gets childish). Is a bank. Proud of his little bro down there. Expect lots of profanities and sexual jokes from him. Is probably the only guy I could really connect/click with.
Wait, this is too long.
This is not fair for OP :')
Jovan, keep in mind that you're not special, I'm just bored.

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Do you have juniors who has better English than you? Who are they?

There are plenty of juniors who have better English than me (and like 70% of the school, maybe), it'd be hard to list all of them here.


Language: English