
Carmen Brillianwati

Ask @chloelovegood

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what do you prefer ? life with someone who love you or life with someone who you love please tell me the concreate ans:) thanks before.

*concrete, but okay.
What kind of love are we talking about here?

i'm now 668/1157. hey i thought you've forgotten about our marathon??? in fact you're still reading!

tiffanysimonnn’s Profile Phototiff
That's freaking half of them dammit.
I haven't completely forgotten about it, but I'm more inclined to enjoying the read rather than winning the marathon now 😜

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carmen i resumed 1q84 three days ago karena keinget kemarin beli dari olshop mahalan 80rb dari b&b dan sayang kalau gak sambung. And i reach pg. 599 already. proud of myself ihihi.

tiffanysimonnn’s Profile Phototiff
I've (almost) reached 1/3 of the whole book and I'm proud anyways😂 How many pages are 599 pages if translated to e-Books? It sounds like half of it..?

berati cici rasa adanya nafsu ? ini nafsu bentuk seks

Ini bukan sebatas "pasangan" aja ya.
Semuanya tergantung persepsi dan orientasi seksual/romantik tiap orang.
For instance, I can experience strong romantic and emotional attraction towards someone, but there's little to no sexual attraction between the two of us, so in your words, no "nafsu".
At other times, I see a hot guy and am sexually attracted to him, but I have no interest in knowing him personally whatsoever because I do not feel "the thing", or an emotional bond.
But in another scenario, it is also possible for me to feel both romantically and sexually attracted to someone.
Intinya, everyone perceives other people differently, and there's a whole spectrum of possibilities to explore here when it comes to attraction, so you can never simply generalise it.

cici i wanna ask di dalam satu kekasih itu hanya ada nafsu tidak ada cinta ? benerkah ? kalo iya kenapa gitu

Di dalam satu kekasih.
Ya pasti tetap ada nafsu lah.
Nafsu buat makan, nafsu buat tidur (meniduri ataupun ditiduri #eh), dll.
Namanya jg manusia, dek.
Tapi maksudmu di dalam suatu hubungan, kan? Aku sedih :')

who do you stalk the most on this platform?

Anyone who shows up on my feed and is intriguing enough to be spammed with likes.

Carmen, do you think girls should wear make up and take care of their appearance?

I believe that everyone should take good care of themselves however they want it. Be it by putting on foundation/concealer/bronzer that doubles as skin care products, or by practicing a daily beauty rituals before going to sleep, by putting on SPF++ cream on their faces before exposing them to the sun, or even by simply not forgetting to clean their faces every time they shower/take a bath. As long as you are taking decent care of yourself then good for you. Appearance should be a lesser concern and when (thankfully) there are good results, they should be considered as successful by-products.
Liked by: AzzuhraPermata

pap tempat2 menarik yg udah lo kunjungin di sumut

Tempat-tempat menarik ya tempat-tempat buat makan.

Haven't been checking ask.fm out lately. But I could see that you've been receiving exceedingly weird and hilarious questions :))

mikezong’s Profile PhotoMichael Zong
Always a pleasure to entertain you.

Customized friendship pick up line for you. You're the proton to my electron.

OP, quit the geeky pick-up lines.

apa yg menarik dari kotamu?

Jujur, aku gak sebegitu bangganya sama monumen-monumen yang terpampang di brosur-brosur yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan angka turisme Medan(?) Yang bikin aku bangga itu makanan Medan. Mainstream sih jawabannya, tapi sumpah, MAKANAN MEDAN ENAK-ENAK WOY. Kalau mau meningkatkan angka pariwisata kota, beneran deh, pake tuh foto-foto makanan, pada berbondong-bondong tuh turis.
Source: Google.

Ci mw nnya nih,kalau misalnya nih w lg suka satu cewek,cewek tuh cantik dan feminim tapi skrg w lg dekat sama satu cewek juga ci dia tuh cantik juga tp ga gitu feminim sih ci. Jd ceritanya nih w pengen dekat sama cewek yg feminim tuh tp cewek yg lg dekat sama w kek mana ci?gatau mw kek mana blg ke d

JADI LU SUKA SAMA ORANG ITU MODAL TAMPANG SAMA PEMBAWAANNYA?! Smh. Cici jadi prihatin dengar ceritamu dek
Liked by: catherine chokry

carmen, ceritain dong dri awal kamu belajar bhs inggris smpai sekarang. sama tips jga klo bisa. hehe:)

...gak ada cerita sih. Gak ada yang spesial, sama kayak orang lain :)
Untuk tips, aku udah pernah answer. Dan kalau kamu tanya orang lain, jawabannya juga bakal itu-itu, kok. Banyakin baca, nonton, dengar, ngomong. Udah.

wkwkkwkw bangun di pagi hari dan liat anon blg dya do that on your pics was....... interesting (?)

Timeline jadi segar ya? 😂

What's your thought on sexual assault? What should be the most suitable punishment for sexual assaulter?

It is wrong.
You see, I believe in consent. When somebody does something to you without your consent, that's just wrong.
And you know what else? Those stupid rapists who claim that we are "asking for it" and /insert other common remarks made popular by rapists who only say them to save their sorry ass/.

I fap to your picturess

Oh, thank you. I am honoured.
You know, since I am hot and stuff. No wonder, really.
However, I am blocking anyone who sends me these kinds of statements/questions because you people need to learn how to draw the line between what is appropriate and what is not.
But seriously though, I am honoured. Nonetheless, you are still a shallow creature for doing that. Not having the decency to not tell me that, I mean.
Liked by: Ophelia

What is ur sexual fantasies?

If we were close friends, I would tell you everything, like even down to the details.
But someone like you, mmm... All I can think of is to strip everything off you-
And let hell's fire melt you slowly, down to your bones. Satan would love to have you barbecued for dinner.

From 1 to 10 rate ur sexual appeal to man

Let's just say I am fabulous enough to know that I am fabulous without needing men telling me that.
Liked by: Raden Dimas

ci fungsi vpn itu apa sih? ada keuntungannya gak? atau bisa gratisan?

You might want to consult with Google because I'm not that much of an expert in that kind of stuff.


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