
Carmen Brillianwati

Ask @chloelovegood

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What is the greatest accomplishment of your life?

I haven't accomplished anything that I am truly proud of.

let's say broke

Basic Dating Guidelines for Broke Kids (which I am pretty sure you already know but probably still refuse to give in to):
1. Remember, now that money is the problem, your dating life should go hand in hand with the most fundamental Economics principle: Achieving maximal results with minimal sacrifice. So DON'T even think about going to restaurants/cafés/cinemas. Home sweet home. Netflix and Chill (literally, all jokes aside) is not possible? No problem, binge-watching DVDs and YouTube videos (and illegally downloaded movies) can be fun, too!
2. Cooking simple dish can come in handy when you ain't got no money. You get to flaunt your cooking skills in front of your partner AND cooking together can be reaaaally intimate too;) More reasons to cook!
3. Small things like game night with friends or little adventures around the town can be exciting if done right.
4. Malls are reserved for window shopping and people watching (which I personally enjoy so much) only.
5. Converse (this is a verb, not a footwear brand). This means a lot with the right person, to be honest.
A fusion of everything above: Go to the nearest mall and shop for some ingredients. Go home, cook, eat, and do the dishes (you want to get everything done whenever possible so you can chill better later). Go shower (bc sweat) and proceed to cuddling (I probably won't like this but what do I know? I have never done it, but a lot of people seem to enjoy this so) with your favorite movie on. Movie is over? Dress fancy and crash someone's wedding (I wanna do this at least once). Eat some more. People watch and judge everyone all you want. Nobody will recognize you anyways. Get out of there before you get caught and go somewhere quiet and private, preferably safe and not too isolated, e.g. a park. If lying on the grass (or concrete) is possible (yah, klise), lie down. The sky may not necessarily be starry, but what matters is the quality of the talk. Hopefully, the wind is nice tho.
Oh my God, gue baper kan jadinya.
Whatever you decide to do, truly enjoy and put your heart into every second of it. Hands off your phones. 10/10 better than throwing your money on *coughs* extravagant gifts for *coughs* anniversaries. *coughs*
Date me, please. I am not high-maintenance, I promise :(

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Stole this question from reddit: What's your fun date idea for a poor person?

"Poor" can mean a lot of things?

i just can't reveal myself to you, you're way too brilliant lol *pun intended

That does not even make sense. What does my so-called brilliance have anything to do with your identity?
P.S. I love people who love puns. Just saying.

gayanya doang?orangnya ngga?lol

Reveal yourself or be comfortable with being a faceless/nameless person in my head.

by the way what major did you choose for sbmptn and where?

Ilmu Komunikasi di UI, Unpad, sama Unair. Dream high sekali ya.

and what exactly do you do with those vsco tools? soooooo many buttons and filters. Which ones do you recommend the most?(or use the most?) And how do you learn all these?

I just adjust everything..? Each tool when adjusted yields different results. Like exposure, contrast, etc., their functions should be obvious.
For the filters, it depends on your preference. I download all the free ones (duh) and try all of them on the pic I am editing. See which one suits your liking. I often use A6, HB2, and SE3 when I want clean looking photos because heavily filtered photos are not my cup of tea. I use M5 and C1 for photos that need a pop of colors. I recommend all the aforementioned filters.
You don't have to "learn" this tho, it's as simple as other photo editors, tbh. Just experiment! 😉

next month. I am a bit terrified I can't write in proper English writings kak. I prolly would be really thankful even if I got 6.5. That already is my highest target by far cos I have no fly high expectation for this.

It's okay. There are so many factors that go into a good writing. If your strength is not in your "English" or lexical resources, you can still focus on other criterion, like your ideas. So put more effort into your content instead.
But do keep in mind that you should /at least/ steer clear of grammatical errors because- that is a huge loss, honestly.
Whoever you are, don't worry too much, alright. Good luck!

how do you take such breathtaking images? Any tips? What tools/apps do you use?(referring to those stunning pics from Langkawi)

Breathtaking tho 😂
I used my iPhone to take pictures and VSCOCam to edit them.
I guess when it comes to taking pictures, see the beauty in everything? And all angles are worth considering so that you can pick the best one out of the bunch later.
When it comes to editing, look at what needs improvement and go and improve that. Also, experiment!

Jadi belajar writings ielts drimana dong bagusnya kak? Karena kan kita udah biasa pakai informal vocabs on daily basis, jadi cara ngebedain kata tsb formal atau informal itu drimana? Thank you.

Banyakin baca? Dengan begitu, kamu lebih mudah membedakan mana yg formal dan mana yg gak.
I used to struggle with my urge to use slangs in all my essays (very silly, I know), but I kept forcing myself to pay attention to my diction, lest they be inappropriate for IELTS Writing. So when I write, I proofread my writings again and again. That way, you can also check on any other possible errors.
But- you know, try different methods and pick one that you are comfortable with...? Sorry I am not really helping here- When are you taking your IELTS, by the way?

"My writings would prove how big of a loser i am" I rolled my eyes too many times my nerves almost popped

Oh, was I understating my inability to write? 😔

kak, emangnya sertifikat itu sepenting apa sih dalam perkuliahan? apa lomba2 yg diikutin bisa ada manfaatnya di kemudian hari?

Senior sering menekankan betapa pentingnya ikut2 lomba dan kumpul sertifikat. Katanya universities are more inclined to admit "active" and "high-achieving" students. Aku gak 100% jamin sertifikat2 tersebut benar2 berperan pas apply uni, tapi hitung2 dapat pengalaman dan bisa dimanfaatkan pas kemampuanmu dipertanyakan as some kind of credible evidence to prove your abilities?

sama banget sih kak. I guess I'm weak at writing too, but if you weren't feel that comfortable with your writings( tho I found it astounding on your blog), how about mine? it's perhaps not even on par with toddlers:(

If I were a feature writer, then I would have no problem whatsoever. However, I am very verbose (I looked this up) and inarticulate when it comes to academic writing. Give me essay, thesis, my writings would prove how big of a loser I am. Basically, I am really good at writing nonsense.
(See? You just read a paragraph of trash. I could have just typed: "I /think/ am okay at writing- if it's nonacademic," but I chose not to. Congratulations, I just wasted your time!)
Also, "astounding" is not how I would describe them, but I'm flattered. Thank you!

Score masing2 tes berapa kak? in case I would challenge myself to get the same, even tho I probably find it like a daydream and impossible. quite pessimistic tho.

Writing 7 (HAHA)
Speaking 8
Reading 9
Listening 9
You can do it💪🏽

persiapan utk ielts nya gmana kak Carmen? aku rencananya mau apply ke UNSW tahun depan. anyway, gluck for your test!

UNSW is my dream university, good for you😭
Cuma les privat, trs ya latihan sendiri aja. Depends on what you are strong and weak at. Aku paling parah di Writing, so that was where I had to improve on ("latihan"-ku to no avail sih, to be honest😂).
Thanks, and good luck to you, too!

ada kok komunikasi di medan area dll. mungkin bisa disitu kalo ga lolos.

Kalau gak lolos, aku ambil PTS di luar Medan hehe.

do you enroll yourself in those ganesh tuition kind of thing?

I just started, like 4 days ago? Everyone enrolled in April, and here I am, missing 3 weeks of IPS materials. #nekatataudodol?


Language: English