
Carmen Brillianwati

Ask @chloelovegood

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jelasin dong bedanya apa regular sama plus. hhe. terus, itu merata ke seluruh kelas ya biaya nya? ada kelas aksel gak?

Umm, aku kira istilah 'Plus' dan 'Reguler' itu cukup self-explanatory? Maaf kalau malah terkesan congkak, tapi itu dibedain karena emang pada dasarnya ada perbedaan, walau mungkin tidak begitu signifikan.
Untuk tahun ajaran baru ini, kelas Aksel dihilangkan, ntah kenapa.
Dan untuk uang sekolah aku gak gitu tau, mohon ditanya ke ADM sekolah :)

berap uang sekolah di SMAmu sekarang?

Kelas Plus sama Reguler beda, pas SMA 2, aku Plus MIA (Minatan IPA), itu Rp 500.000,- per bulan.

if you want to look younger. use an avatar with you wearing hig school uniform. you still look like a graduate(?). loll

If I look that old, then why couldn't I get away with lying about my age when I attempted to enter Jeju Love Land? I still wish that the guard had believed me to this day :')

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Ci what is watermelon queen about?

It is a pageant held annually by the National Watermelon Association as a part of the promotional effort to increase watermelon sales. The Watermelon Queen selected will spend her year as the National Watermelon Association's ambassador, travelling around and encouraging the consumption and sales of watermelon nationwide.
Here's Emily Mae Brown, the newly crowned National Watermelon Queen.
Source: http://watermelon.ag/queen-program-promotions/
I am not making this up.

How big do u think ur boobs are?

Oh, is this question meant to give you reassurance about your balls? Cause I can assure you they are bigger than your balls😊

new avataaar. yeaaay

arman_dhani’s Profile PhotoDhani
Yes, thank you for noticing(?)
I need to look more like my age or there might be other people who think I'm a graduate or something.

kemana aja kau udah pernah di sumut wat? atau cuma di medan aja?

I should not even bother to answer this but FYI, 'kau' is a plain rude address, even to a Medanese. You might think, "Oh, you know, people call people 'kau' all the time there in Medan," just because- stereotypical Medanese/Bataknese. No. Some people just do not understand that it is extremely offensive. Sure, it is totally fine if it is between close friends or people with such norm around their areas (mainly in markets between the sellers), but NOT when you are an anonymous stranger right here on the net. I personally find it condescending when my own parents address other people with that. I would even scold my friends if they did that, too. And you here, who are you? I am not okay with how you address me. Please, do not go around addressing people like that. Even behind anonymity, show some etiquette. Thank you.

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gmana menurutmu sekolahmu yg sekarang? ceritain serunya dong.

Nanti ya, pas aku udah tamat dan rindu sekolahku. Panjang deh aku buat.

you are about... 19/20 y.o maybe?

Ganti display picture ah.
Tamat SMA aja belum, tapi dikira seumuran sama anak kuliahan :')

nama belakangmu unik. ceritain dong maknanya

'Brillian' is from 'brilliant'. You know, because clearly, my parents want a brilliant daughter. Kasihan keluarnya aku pula.
'Wati' derives from my mother's name '(x)wati'.
As for my brother's last name (Brillianto), 'to' derives from my father's name '(y)to'.
Apaan (x) (y) ya, macam fungsi aja-
Liked by: Angel Tang

Okay it doesn't matter if you don't answer. Anyway I like ur commitment by not giving any personal info bout ur friend. ;)

That- is a weird compliment but thanks?

udah bisa kau nyetir wat? mau kalilah aku belajar ini.

Kau siapa? Ngomong kok kasar :) And uh- did I ask?

Nama tmn nya yg bday hr ini sp ya?

And... Why should I disclose the name to you? I don't even know your name sweetheart.

hari ini ada rencana apa wati?

'Wati'. Coughs. Ini siapa? 😂
Gak ada rencana apa-apa hari ini, cuma birthday dinner teman nanti malam.
But I can cancel that for you, if you want to make plans together...? /bricked/

apa pendapatmu terhadap org yg tidak realistis? oh, apa itu tidak realistis dalam pandanganmu?

Jujur, pertanyaan kedua ambigu banget. Aku jadi bingung.
Menurutku ya sah-sah aja, itu paham mereka, kita juga punya paham masing-masing perihal beberapa masalah, gak mau kan dipaksa untuk percaya pada sesuatu padahal kita sendiri punya pandangan yang berbeda dari orang lain?

btw, if you mean I asked firmly, its just a matter of putting smile emoticon up there gal.

True that. After all, it is just a matter of perspective.

what does it mean by teasing and dont catch your attempt?

Okay, maaf udah campur2 Bahasa Indonesia sama Bahasa Inggris. Jadi aneh ya? 😂
Aku cuma bercanda kok, tapi kamu gak nangkap usaha candaanku(?) Aku ngomong apa-

bukan serial killer kak, tpi memang gak pernah denger namanya jg.

Nah, unless you're a student in Sutomo, or at least debaters Medan, harusnya gak pernah dgr sih. And besides, I was just teasing you. Tapi sedih kamu gak nangkap attempt-ku :')

lahir thun berapa ci dan kenapa bisa 'nyasar' di medan?

Guess how old I am and then subtract 2 years off that because my display picture makes me look older than I am :')
'Nyasar'? Hahaha why do you say that? Born and raised here :)

maaf nih ya kak sebelumnya, ELDS itu kepanjangannnya apa dan kakak sekolah dimana?

English Literature and Debate Society. Iya, fancy sekali ya namanya😂
SMA Sutomo 1 Medan. Kamu bukan serial killer, kan?

why do you stalk those debaters? are you a debater?

Who are you referring to?
Some are my friends, but I assume that you are not referring to them but to the ones I am not even acquainted with. I did not know that they are debaters until one of my said debater friends told me about one of them and I saw the connection(?). I find their answers/feeds intriguing, I suppose nothing is wrong with that? And I only stalked one of them, yet you make it sound like I creepily stalk a bunch of debaters for pleasure😂
Umm, I'm a part of my school's debate club, ELDS (cieh promosi ya). I have only joined 2 debate competitions and I debate for the hell of it. It's not something I regard as a passion, unlike some of my friends who actually pursue it seriously because they find joy in it. Oh, and I debate with other people on a daily basis, does that make me a debater? (Please say yes because I wanna be a debater so bad).

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Liked by: catherine chokry

(a)"If you can borrow from someone else, why buy?" or (b)"If you can buy it by yourself, why borrow?". Are you (a) or (b)? :)

TS_Frima’s Profile PhotoF-R-I-M-A
I have no absolute answer for this. I totally screamed "I am definitely the (b) type!" inside when I saw this. But come to think of it, no, I am not. I am both (a) and (b). Not at the same time obviously, but depending on the situation given. For trivial things like school books (yes, I deem them as "trivial things", sue me), I go for (a). But for things I take pride and/or pleasure in owning, meaning things of great value like books other than school books (that is to say books that I read for either leisure or knowledge, not for grades), I opt for (b). I want that satisfaction of having things I sacrifice for in my embrace and only my embrace so.
Liked by: Ophelia tiff F-R-I-M-A

are you a better talker or listener?

I love talking. I have no boundaries when it comes to talking. Which is bad. Especially in public places because I can get so loud and uncensored (of course, unintentionally) that people turn their heads our way and my friends will be too embarrassed to shut me up and all I can do is chuckle and giggle cutely (HAHA) to cover up my boisterousness. Like, I don't even try to talk softer, because- I don't know. I just can't. I am not programmed that way. I guess this runs in the family since my mom has the same problem xD
It's a whole different story when my friends need to vent. I am more than willing to lend them my ears because damn, I love stories. I love listening to people. Even if they aren't good stories.
I am a naturally talkative person, but tell me you need me to just be there and listen to you, I'll be up for it in no time (though more than often, I can't help but try to guide them instead of staying quiet so after all, maybe I'm not that good of a listener😂).

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Liked by: catherine chokry


Language: English