
Carmen Brillianwati

Ask @chloelovegood

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Lol I'm sorry I actually forgot to reply you. No, not tomorrow. Ehe. Abis tgl 12 deh ya:p Biar ujian pianonya kelar dulu baru ngegas.

tiffanysimonnn’s Profile Phototiff
Hiks jangan ngegas, kasihanilah diriku-
Okay, mulai tanggal 13 deh.
Dan btw, good luck buat ujiannya! :D
Liked by: tiff

what genre of books do you like to read most?

As long as they have intriguing plot I'm in but yeah, I can totally sense that I'm more keen on Crime Fiction than other genres and that all of the novels I've read are Fiction.
Wow, I should drop Fiction and start picking up Non-Fiction instead.

I love 1Q84. People often find it strange. It's such a monster in size that I feel a sense of attachment after I finish. All I can say is that, Murakami has a way with words. I saw you on Ci @Steffiteo's page, thought I'd drop by. You have a nice name. I'll see you around!

candyfantasia’s Profile PhotoEu
Hello, salam kenal!
Thank you for the comment, now I'm really looking forward to reading his works:D I still have no verdict whatsoever as I've only read a few pages (Ci Tiffany, I suppose you're winning... For now).
My friends think it's somewhat unfortunate to end 'Brillian(t)' with 'wati' so thank you 😂 (unless you were referring to my username).
I see you have a really great feed there, see you around, too! :)
Liked by: tiff Eu

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Yes yes nydia subur:) Eh gua juga lagi gantung-gantung 5 buku, ga beda jauh.... IQ84 w juga e-book. Gak rela kan:( mahal. Murakami bagus sihm Yuk kapan mulai? ehe What are those 7 books, tho?

tiffanysimonnn’s Profile Phototiff
I don't mind splurging on books, they are life! Tapi Mom, not much. Actually, she just threatened to stop giving me money if I use it to buy books yesterday 😪
Umm, kalau trace back to yg duluuuu banget, sebenarnya banyak sih. Selain yg pernah aku sebutin sebelumnya, ada:
Todd Harper - Calamity Jane's
Paulo Coelho - Eleven Minutes
Eleanor Brown - The Weird Sisters
And the list goes on.
Gak tau ah, aku jadi merasa bersalah ini-
So, let's start tomorrow morning? What does the first one to finish it get btw? XD
Liked by: tiff

boyfriend or bestfriend?

In what context?
Taking sides - which is generally "bros before hoes" or "sisters before misters" - just because it is in the social code, should not be applied in every situation.
Choose the one doing the right thing. Screw feelings. Be logical. End of discussion :)
Liked by: Ophelia tiff Eu

Carmen yuk lomba baca IQ84. W dari maren-maren belum kelar. Should challenge myself; lomba baca. Eh, I saw you mentioned about Nydia; Nydia Subur enggak sih?

tiffanysimonnn’s Profile Phototiff
Aku masih ada 6-7 novel yang digantung 😂 Kalau mau, oke aja sih. Lagipula, belum pernah nyoba novel Haruki Murakami (iya, aku se-lame itu).
BUT, I'm a slow reader.
AND, I FREAKING WANT THE REAL COPY. I'm stuck with the e-book for now :')
Yep, Nydia Subur. Chin cia, bukan?
Liked by: tiff

what do you do on this holiday?

If by that you mean plans, gosh, do I have a list of things I want to do for this holiday.
Binge-watching some movies/TV series I've been eyeing for so long.
Learn to drive.
Work out. (Yeah right!)
Learn a dance.
Learn something new (preferably the basics of a foreign language).
And the list goes on and on and on.
But all I do for these past 3 days are eat, hang out a.k.a. spending all my savings, sleep late, and wake up late. Ah, so much for a productive holiday.
Liked by: Eu tiff

if you could repeat your second year... what would you do?

I did what I wanted to. So I wouldn't change anything, really.

share a story when u really needed to pee and the relief you felt you finally got to

Jovanovick Luidaniel, is this you?
I remember holding my pee for about two hours when I was on my way to UI for the ALSA's closing ceremony. Guess two hours are nothing for Jakarta people who are used to traffic jam, but since I'm not one, it was a torture.
I was in the car with the others, we were a little bit late, and as expected, Jakarta's traffic jam welcomed us with open arms. So everyone was complaining about the traffic jam, obviously. And there I was, searching for ways to hold my pee /better/. I literally googled that, and I read some of them out loud in the car:
1. Try not to think of running water (waterfalls, tap water, etc.)
Jovan, who clearly knew I was trying hard to hold my bladder from bursting, entertained me with his diverse vocabs of flowy(?) things. Which were all of those mentioned previously.
2. Think about sexual stuff (HAHA)
So I unleashed my inner beast (in my head, of course) but I ran out of fantasies so Jovan helped me, too. But his fantasies weren't as cool as mine, so.
3. Do not let it out AT ALL. Not even a little. Because then, you won't be able to stop the stream.
Nailed this one because I'm good at self-control.
4. Cross your legs if you are in standing position and open your legs if you are in sitting position.
Was a little bit hard because I was wearing a dress and I was beside Sjafii's mom and aunt. It wouldn't have been courteous lol.
5. Do not laugh.
Being the good friend he is, Jovan tried to say funny things to entertain his already-in-danger-of-wetting-herself friend.
Anyways, it was successful. I ran to the loo as soon as the car stopped. Sitting on the toilet bowl felt like a blessing to me. I actually thanked God for real and I swear my face cheered up and became prettier after releasing(?) myself.
Woah, I gave you people tips on how to hold your pee when you are stuck. Thank me.

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Liked by: Ophelia tiff

ingin kamu baca ini http://magdalene.co/news-455-i-am-not-pretty-for-your-pleasure.html

arman_dhani’s Profile PhotoDhani
I disagree with some parts, they are a little self-contradictory in the end, but oh well. Overall, it spoke a lot of people's minds up, I suppose. Mine included.
When I was younger, I stumbled upon this quote, "Women don't dress up for men, if we did, we would all be naked,". It is not completely right, nor is it completely wrong. It's all about perspectives, but it sort of gave me ideas about women. Independent women. The kind of women I want to be. And henceforth, I believe that women should be given rights to be whoever they want to be and do whatever they want to do (of course, without abusing other people's rights, too). Well, technically, we do have the so-called rights to do so. Unfortunately though, they don't work as well as expected.
Uh- what am I rambling about? I want to pour my hearts out here, but am too lazy. Okay, bye.
P.S. Thank you for the link!

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Liked by: Eu

recommend me movies/ tv series please. yg byk yaaaa

Here, A to Z, I challenge myself to type any movies/TV series I haven't watched yet:
The Age of Adaline
Dirty Dancing
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Into the Woods
The Judge
The Kids Are All Right
Little Women
Men, Women & Children
The O.C.
Parks and Recreation
Q- I can't think of one!
Roman Holiday
Singin' in the Rain
To Kill a Mockingbird
V for Vendetta
Yes Man
iZombie (can't think of any others, sorry)
Ooh, are they movies? Are they TV shows? Go figure them out ;)
Liked by: tiff

Say you tie a close friendship (e.g. from 1 - 10, you value it at score 7 or 8) with a person, and later on, it dawns on you that she has betrayed you or stabbed you in the back by spilling out your darkest secrets, utilising you as a medium to accomplish her ulterior motives,etc. What would you do?

ShellyTandiono’s Profile PhotoShelly Tandiono
I have never revealed my 'darkest secrets' to anyone. I'm careful enough to understand that once they are out, there's no way they are coming back. So yeah, I don't trust anyone enough to let them in on those secrets. If anything I've told anyone is ever revealed, then it's not much of a big deal to me because I wanted them to know in the first place.
But if I were to face such situation (back-stabbed in a ploy schemed by the said close friend), I would bring out my inner bitch. Throwing sarcasm and dropping acidic hints like some sort of passive-aggressive wreck while ACTUALLY confronting them. Yes, being all indirect and cryptic about my emotional state yet frontal about the problem at the same time. This would go on for some brief time before I reached the "goddammit-this-is-not-right" phase. By then, I would act and think less emotionally and more rationally. Time to grow out of the attachment and learn to face things head-on. Talk over the problem with the aforementioned person and solve it while still keeping my head because I'm one peace-loving person.
But if the culprit decided to act all innocent and douchebag-y about it, then adios, "amigo". Jerk face doesn't deserve my love :)

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Liked by: Ophelia

hei... you should check it properly.

arman_dhani’s Profile PhotoDhani
I went to two doctors. The Chinese doctor said that there's some sort of meniscus (knee cartilage) injury, the doctor said (based on the X-ray I took) it's only a harmless internal impact(?) and that it'll heal in time. Both advised me to rest my leg more and gave me anti-inflammatory pills.


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