

Ask @cheryyyyllll

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At what age do you want to get married?

Um the ideal age has always been 25 but now thinking abt it.....nAh too young

do u prefer hobart or launceston? what's the difference?

Launceston but hobart's food LOL. Hobart has a lot more hills and shit which means you'll always have to walk incline and I absolutely hate it. Launceston has more flat roads and it's quieter than Hobart I guess; but I definitely prefer Hobart's food cos the food here is quite terrible

you managed to find a different job as the one you had in hobart? or it's the same one?

Um hobart and launceston are different cities (3h away) so obviously not the same....I'm working in a different one

What if you wake up in a red room without window & door do you know where you are ?

Of course not?

Do u think it will work if I add tomato sauce and soy milk with pasta?

What kind of tomato sauce?

are u in hobart or launceston? im confused.

Launceston! Was in hobart the whole of last year. I moved but sometimes I do visit hobart

Will you revealed how much your pay you earn to your friend or other people? Why ?

If its just a casual/part time job yes. But if its my long term career kind then maybe not...because it gets kinda sensitive esp when you're adults

what is the first thing you do in the morning ?

Open my eyes? Jk. Wash up and then make breakfast


Language: English