

Ask @cheryyyyllll

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U will be staying alone?

Nope! I have 3 other roommates. One of them is a girl i met in this hostel (she just moved out two weeks ago) and 2 other guys studying in utas too

I ate 15 Oreos at one go, on top of a loaf of duke bakery bread and a huge milk bun. How??? :(

How?? You filled your tummy and satisfied your cravings. Is there anything more impt than that? :)

Why are u moving out of ur hostel?

Cos there are more pros and less cons of moving out than staying here

I just binged on 5 packets of oreos. Total 15 oreos as there's 3 in a packet. How? I feel so terrible now. Worst is I ate one whole loaf of duke bread and a huge milk bun before this :-((((((

Maybe eat proper & more filling main meals the next time

Will you only date/marry a vegan? Will you raise your kids as vegans? :)

Hmmm tough question but my bf isn't a vegan too hahahaha i havent thought of it yet but - i feel that its okay? And yes i'd raise my kids as vegans!

Why do you like to take so many selfies of yourself?

I don't HAHAHA tbh i have never taken so little selfies in my life this time round (the older i get the uglier i feel the less selfies i take LOOOOL)

Wow ure really fortunate, ur family must be so well-to-do! To be able to buy all the stuff that u can which aren't exactly cheap

Nope thats not true! I dont come from a wealthy family hahaha we r just rly average.


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