

Ask @cheryyyyllll

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so it's a no I guess ? and I'm not the anon that asked if you want to meet me

What, aren't the questions by the same person?? ? im so confused HAHAHAH can yall use initials if u dw un-anon :[

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Nope you don't know me at all, that's why I asked if you're open to made friends online ?

UM i dont know how to reply to this ?

Because I was scrolling through my ask.fm timeline and I saw you using it so I was like eh isn't this the Cheryl that I wanted to talk to last year ? ?

HAAHAHAHAAHA omg do i know u??

erm I've been following you on ask.fm for quite sometime already like last year ?

Oh wow HAHA so why that sudden influx of questions at 2AM in the morning?

I read from safari! :-) anyway, I love your posts hehe and also your videos, you always eat foods that look so yumz HAHAHA and yes!!!! talk in videos ☺☺

Thank u!!! ??? do i know u hehe (omg have i asked already)

the batman ones!!

Cant rmb where i got them hmmm cos it was pretty long ago! I remember getting some socks from qoo10 before (that was super long ago) and I got a few from Korea as well bc they were pretty cheap :))

pap fav pair of earrings?

I dont have a lot of earrings actually......wait i only have studs. But I dont have a lot of studs either hahahaha


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