

Ask @cheryyyyllll

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what are your favourite guy names

you mean in general? hahaha that never really came across my mine though :(

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Cheryllll you're going back to kc with jorine and akina!!! I get to see you hehe its me your sec friend

hahaha are you that sec 2 friend!! how did you know we are going back together haha

how do u get so many insta followers omg, how often do u follow back?

i don't have a lot of followers on instagram!! and as you can see from my number of following & followers i don't follow as many people who follow me haha because i only follow people i really know!! except some photography accounts :)
i hate it when people follow just for the sake of getting more followers haha because i don't see a point of doing that

can u make ur instagram public?

why?? i prefer keeping it private hahaha i don't really like the idea of strangers/random people online scrolling through my photos etc!! just send a follower request and i'll most likely accept :)

got watch the newest tvb drama eye in the sky?

nope!! i wish i could :( still halfway through the korean dramas i've started watching since the holidays :( sigh

OH NOO WHAT IF PRELIMS ARE BETTER THAN O LEVELS OH MYYY D: my ca1 and sa1 are worse than ca2 and sa2 because they're combined and stuff :(

prelims were honestly easier to me than o's in my opinion :-( usually they say prelims are harder than o's but i felt otherwise last year!! maybe because they dropped the prelims standard or something...? i thought i'd do damn badly for o's too cos i screwed up prelims & i felt that it was already easier than o's...........and don't really need to care about the combined results, cos they are really bad in general HAHA my l1r5 for normal exams would be like around 27-30??? for prelims i got 19!

As in your l1r5 to go to jc

just purely olevels marks!!! prelims aren't gonna be reflected in your o's results hahaha don't worry!! i barely studied for prelims hahaha

Heyyyy cherylllll!!!!!!!! Does your jc mark consist of your o level marks+prelims or is it just fully o level marks?

hello!! :) jc marks as in???

srsly lucky guy sia. Honestly I've being reading ur blog since last year and really feel like you are a pretty,kind,filial girl and crushing on u since last year HAHAHA. I wish I can know u :(

nah ec is just an ec!! not a crush hahaha. thanks for reading my blog haha it means a lot to me :"") and i'm not as good as you think!!!
crushing?? ahhaha is this a joke :( tell me who are you!!!

Isn't yizhi the loser from GMSP. How did he become Ur best guy friend. -dope af guy from GMSP

dope af guy from gmsp LOL i wonder who are you..........your rude af omg what loser????

How on earth do you find sher cute??? As in the physical appearance u know what i dun geddit

hahaha you'll only get it after you know her!!! like initially i thought she was just a normal girl also but after i started talking to her & knowing her better, i realised that she's cute because of the way she acts and talks!!! and a nice friend too :)

Do you decide quickly or do you think a long time?

sometimes i can be damn indecisive so i end up taking a long time to think about it but i don't ever get an answer ugh can u feel that kind of irritation

do u believe it or?

well i'd like to choose to believe in my own impression & opinion of him now because opinions are always subjective, so there would always be one person saying good things about someone & someone else saying bad things about the same person.
i'm not saying you're in the wrong though, i'm totally chill about it :) i mean, if you dislike someone totally or just dislike a part of him/her then it's actually just your own opinions about them? people are entitled with their own opinions so i can't say that you're just sending hate to him because like what you've said, i might not have known him as long as you do. if he's really that sort of person then i believe time will tell :) for now he's still a nice guy and a good friend to me so i think that's all that truly matters :)

yep and we played soccer before. Yeah he really is a nice guy :) very friendly and polite but he just really likes sucking up which really is annoying and often get looked down

alright :) thanks

1)He sucks up to popz ppl 2)He isnt really a fan of soccer but he plays it to get more friends and "socialise" 3)He got made fun by asshole "popz ppl" but he just laugh and act as if he is chilling with them.

based on what i know about him he's a nice guy so thanks for your opinion :) but were you a close friend of his?


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