

Ask @cheryyyyllll

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You wear specs usually or new specs?

haha i have this pair since.......1 1/2 years ago but i don't wear it oops

PAP of you now

trying to "get used" to wearing specs now bc the nurse from hpb scolded me during healthcheck just now..............
but uh how do people even look good in specs UGH help

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Isn't it very cowardly just to leave because of one person? What will ur other friends think?

lol how is that "cowardly"?
according to the dictionary, a coward is someone who lacks courage to do something dangerous/someone who is afraid of doing something.
firstly, i haven't done anything wrong so there's absolutely no reason for me to be afraid of her or anyone.
& why would i care about what my "other friends" think lol, all i know is that the bunch of friends i'm sitting with now are PERFECTLY FINE with me/us sitting together. if they don't mind, i don't see why i should bother about what OTHERS think.
Liked by: julie moss

Why do you dislike me though?

don't even know who you are now.......vanessa.....or someone i don't know....??

I'm sorry I tripped over your bag in class (;

OMG SO UR VANESSA? ur such an idiot hahaha & no you aren't that person i dislike


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