

Ask @cheryyyyllll

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Can you recommend me some Instagram food blogs?

hmmm i follow most healthy eating/fitness pages so idk :( but i do read food blogs from food bloggers like ladyironchef etc for food reviews :)

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Whats the instagram then?? Can you please share?I am really Interested!!

well if you're lucky enough to come across it :-) dm/pm me if you want hahaha

What Primary school are you from? 0.o

0.o <--- haven't seen this face in a long time haha
um u guess??

OMG Really??? What is it? Can share? I love your blog!

thank you!!!! well its not really a blog kinda blog but just an instagram acc where i post some of the food i eat & give some of my reviews ( sorry if that disappointed you ) hahaha

do you have a food blog? i mean you love food so much, i will be surprised if you dont have one

yes i do hahaha

Would you rather swim in a sea of candy or climb a mountain of chocolate chip cookies?

second option


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