

Ask @cheryyyyllll

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Do you mind if boyfriend masturbate? Break up bcos he does it

huh i dont think he'd tell me anyway hahahaha so i don't rly care

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But the email I gave is like I forgotten the password..

...... try to retrieve your password or create a new email acc then resend your order again?

For the shoes new balance on the online blog shop. When u send in the order form do they reply u by contact number or email?

i received mine through email!

You really dislike sps alot la. Because of dave.

i don't "dislike" any schools just because some of the students there are rude/bad/whatever it is, but i only have bad impressions on them

Would you mind if I am from Sps? Seems like you dislike sps a lot.

but idk who you are.............
nah i'm neutral to every & any schools


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