

Ask @cheryyyyllll

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Did you ever thought of quitting sch to be a full time blogger?

hahaha yes, ever thought of quitting school but never thought of becoming a full time blogger though!

Why did dave the hot st.pat guy ditched you?

1) i didn't get ditched
2) wasn't in a r/s
3) most importantly, idk who tf dave is so gtfo of my account now

Have to go bank and transfer full amount money?

yup! or internet banking :)
or cash deposit if you don't have a bank account, but the money you deposit can only be in multiples of 10 :) like $10/$20/$30

How does susyblaze blogshop works? Will they mail you the product and u pay on the spot? Any credit card involved?

nope!!! :-) just state what you want to order on the order form & send in, they will send you an email & you can do bank transfer ( they will tell you the price & the account number ) after which, you must take a snapshot of your receipt of transaction and reply their email! :-)


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