

Ask @cherylwonggg

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hi where did you get the patterned black and white shirt?

Hi! i got it from Urban Outfitters online! It is sold out now though D:

haha anywayyyyyy, dont emo alr ah! byebye. Dont sleep so late too often! Later you become old hahaha

hahaha yes okay i'll try but i'm making the best out of my holidays! Old enough already! Byebye~

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Hahaha you'll never know.... have you guessed who i am already?

nope hahaha yea it'll be rly nice if I have a good relationship with my boss

hmmmm... best of luck!! I think you can la just got to do really well in your last year(?) and internship! It's easy to get a 4 in internship if your boss likes you haha. Flick his neck

hahaha yeah man gonna try to buck up, hope i like my boss too :p if my boss and i are on the terms where i can flick his neck, it'll be magical - dream come true

Don't worry about your results! It's impt but it's not everything :) are you planning to go to pursue a degree?

Hahaha yes definitely want to pursue a degree which explains why i feel like dying when my gpa just doesn't hit my ideal score or not even close to what is required. Hope my portfolio helps!

Who do you want in your coming class?

A lot! But i want suhail in my class hahahaha we need to continue this fate shit

Haha yessss. Really hope you are doing well!!!

Haha i wouldn't say well but i'm trying to make it better! Hope you are too!

Hahaha you really really really want to know?

good question..... but yes I think you're someone I'm or used to be closed to since I don't anyhow flick people

Looking forward to your new class?

A little I guess? My past classes were amazing so well.. A little worried that it'll suck soooo

Have you ever felt the need to comform to society standards regarding your body shape or have you always been comfortable in your own skin?

Of course I feel to need to change my body to fit in, all the time! Psst I'm working on it!

How tired are you rite now?

Bloody tired but i forced myself to finish blogging about the cafe so remember to read it at 12 noon tmr!


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