
cherie chan

Ask @cheriezeng

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Where's your outerwear from your latest ootd:)

I bought it at bugis & cut the sleeves & bleach it!

What three things do you think of most each day?

'should i blog today?'
'where is jd, & what is he doing?'
'what should i eat today?'
Liked by: Rong Rong

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you and your boyfriend were very cute!! haha last long and kiss his cheeks with your dark lipstick hahhahaha

HAHHAH! thank you! & i will!! (':

whr do u get the hello kitty head band thing to hold your hair?

my dajie gave it to me, cute right!!?

hahaha ur boyf do your makeup like one make up artist

HAHAHAH! i know right! he takes art for Olevel! maybe use to it alr. HAH!

Your bf and you like always fight.

cos i too sensitive, then what he say i will always think that its bad & get angry at him! hahaha

The jeans suspenders skirt:)?

ohoh! i got it from bugis street! pretty expensive, bought it from $25, when i actually can get it at 16+ from blogshops!!! damn angry! hahahah

haha omg your boyfriend damn cute?? like he's quiet but still having fun while doing the makeup on ur face hahaha last long Cherie!!!!! happy for you :')

Awww!! he will be damn happy if he sees this! he's shy in front of camera! thanks dear (:
Liked by: Rong Rong

Where is the suspenders skirt from?

the checkered ones? its from dope street boutique!
quote 'cheriezeng' for $1 off & free normal postage dear (:

the bf make up tag is all good after the eyeliner. if your bf take it seriously i think shld be quite nice haha. anw why he look so fierce

he's shy i guess! he doesnt want to talk at all! hahha, he was having fun, & i was indeed very shocked/surprised about how it turned out!

why you 2 dated for so long??

why we dated so long & never got into a relationship?
cos i wanted us to finish our olevels first before getting into a relationship,

is dating tough for you 2 or you? like you dk when he's going to be your boyfriend and stuffs

hmmm, every relationship has its ups & downs (:
we didnt get into a relationship after awhile was cos i wanted to finish my Olevels first then get into a relationship, so yeah, i knew we were getting tgt sooner or later, HAHAH!
Liked by: Rong Rong

LOL people who wears leggings on its own is seriously..............................


Will you wear leggings with crop top? But if you do how do you not be self conscious(eg.butt) ?:)

hmmm, i doubt i will, HAHAHA, i will most probably wear it with a slightly longer top!

The short sleeve outerwear the one you wore with the cotton on pants and the one with the monochrome outfit

Ohoh! The black one? Ermm, that was my sister's one! I don know where she got it from ); but i knownin the past bugis street sells alot of this! She got this vry long ago!!


Language: English