
cherie chan

Ask @cheriezeng

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What will you name your blog after? Fashion?

lifestyle? & a tiny bit on fashion i guess, too casual to be fashion blog!

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I like your style :D

thanks you so much!
but i don't have a style, i simply wear anything & everything, like rojak. hahahah!

I like your creeper that you bought from scape underground , does you know what siZe do they have as I have small foots

i don't own any creepers from scape underground dear!

what do you do to remove the dark patches and not smooth skin underarms then?

i dont do anything though, i don't think my underarms very dark too :/ sorry~

You look so weird in the ootd today. your bf iso look like some ah beng.

i know right, i look like i have cockeye and tiny mouth, but what to do, his phone's app doesn't allow me to have nice effect :/
i love my 'ahbeng' boyfriend <3

by using shaver to shave your underarms, won't the hair grow back quickly and your underarms will have dark patches etc ? and the skin won't feel as smooth too

true, but its faster!

May I know where did you purchase real techniques makeup brushes?thanks so much!!:)

my boy bought it from iherb.com!

Hi cherie , I'm a 15 year old student and would like to have shabu sushi at nex w my bf for anni . If on fir lunch hoe much will it be? Sorry for asking you because I'm not sure...

here you go!

What is the brand of the serum you used in your oct faves? And where can i get a smaller bottle of the vaseline? Cus i searched in watsons also dont have :((((

Purer Skin!
smaller pot can be found at valueshop! saw it there before!

How do you feel is a great way to save money?

prepare your own food instead or buying!
when you are about to spend money, rmb why you are saving in the first place!

whose blog do you also read other than those famous blogger?

cloe's &... thats all i guess? cos i don't have much friends that has blogs, if not means they don't update much!

Hey, I'm actually a visual person. I hope u could do a tutorial on how you edit the photos that has 2 of you doing different poses. Thanks!

ohman.. how to do it!
let me roughly tell you k?
1. when taking the photo, the person can move but the camera MUST be stationery!
2. *always good to get the person taking the photo to spam! so you got more to choose from
3. then just edit! (flip one the picture, & collage it tgt)!!!

Commitments like what u guys promise each other to do or not to do

i can't keep promises ):
but theres a lot of stuff, cos i always make him unhappy, so yeah..
Liked by: _nazirul_20_

What are some of the commitments u and ur bf made?

commitments meaning?
sacrifice? or like stuff we do for this r/s?


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