

Ask @Charchar2heheh

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It's not that I'm not fine with it, I didn't mean for it to sound like it I am extremely sorry if it sounded like it! :( But otherwise I understand that, it was just a suggestion :)

No no, you're fine! Sorry if I sounded offended xD thanks for understanding!
Liked by: Yenneii

I think that the nursery should allow owners to choose a set gender so we could maybe connect with the bab more? Some people aren't comfortable with transgender and don't connect with the bab with a certain gender. (This is just a suggestion I dont mean anything by it! I hope I don't sound rude....)

Ah sorry, rolling for gender is a pretty typical thing in the nursery. Having the babies be transgender/NB/whatever is 100% allowed, so they can be any gender. If you're not fine with that, you just gotta stick with what you get, then ;0

I liked the old design so much better... :c who cares if they looked like saturn, they were pretty and now with the hearts... eugh

sorry man!! i got a bunchhh of concerns about it so i figured i should fix it. you're welcome to dropout if you dislike it now, sorry for that!

Maybe they could be related in some way or something

Nah, that wouldn't really make sense w his history. :>
I haaave gotten a few asks concerned about this though so I might end up changing their design a lil ;0;

char that new plumie you made looks a bit like Saturn...

Omg yeah I noticed that while posting them xD I don't really care though, so I think it's fine since they're both my designs. +it's not like neon and stars is the mossssst creative idea ever :P

may I phrase the "One thing you might not guess about them from first sight:" section a a very short story ? [no more than 30 words]

as long as its really short, yeah!

What is your all time favorite drawing/sketch (Of yours) Excluding plums of course.

honestly I don't know! :0 kinda sad but I've yet to make a piece that's really awesome in my eyes/im super proud of/that stands out to me as my favorite
maybe soon!

What is the worst drawing you have ever done? Or what is the shame of your gallery?

there are some real gems in the back of my gallery oh boy
if you want a good laugh go check it the heck out

How long have you been drawing for?

About 3-4 years, I'd say? :0 I mean when I was really little Id doodle stuff everywhere and all that but I didn't start really trying to "draw" until I got into digital art in '11/'12.

character theme songs? //I need music to listen to >D>

i have the worst music taste IN THE WORLD im so sorry >A> I'll delete and re-answer this if I can figure out decent songs for some of them tho :v

do symbols count as words? like, say, I used a "✿" to hold a link for credit purposes, would it count as a word?

Nope it wouldn't!

just to confirm, for 500, the lyrics of music from outside don't count as words right? (aka is I used "sugar" by maroon 5 in a playlist, the lyrics of the song wouldn't count towards the 750?)

Correct, they only count if you wrote it yourself/for #500 uwu

so, daily anon love coming up... you are literally one of the best people I have ever encountered in my life, and you are honestly what I aspire to be like.

weeps omg ; A ;
Liked by: fish pratt murphy

okay so what time exactly will you be closing the comp for #500 on the 20th? could you possibly close it around 8pm or later bc I might not be able to post my finished form until around 7:45pm bc of a school thing I have to do. also since I'm here I'll drop some more love... Char u r 2 perf 4 this

Unless otherwise stated, my competitions always last until the veryyy end of the day listed -- midnight EST time. (So technically a bit into the 21st)

dood do you have any Plumerian ships you follow? Like your own and others too yeye

mmmm somewhat?? secretly tho >;)

Follow up question. Would the following be okay as a back design since idk what it would actually look like without the wings in the way? http://i.imgur.com/nm4Ipps.jpg

Yep that'd be fine!! For all the questions like this ive been getting about #500, you can just sorta make something up as long as its pretty realistic, as far as the back markings go. (same goes for tongue & pawpad color)

dropping by to give some probably daily anon love... you're really cool and nice and I love you! c: <3

ksdjfhdjk criES THANK U
Liked by: sooshy


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