

Ask @Charchar2heheh

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Sorry to be bothersome but are you working on /planing on doing the plumie ss?

I'm not working on it right now. Still have to work out all the kinks and I've not had much time to sit down and really think lately uou
Liked by: 11-15-4-1 Dare

excuse ya'll who're thirsty to hook ur sparkle dogs with chars, chayngle for lyfe!!1111!11 don't even ask angel's sexuality bc it's chase. that's literally what it is, it's just chaase!!!!1111111!1

Liked by: 11-15-4-1 sooshy

Gabe iv had a thing for you for da longest time....I just hope you will love me baka if i tell u who i am ;v; -uncovers cloak from self- I AM RABBIT DAYSU DAYSU -steals gabe and all chars bbys- >B)

are u ok

I read something earlier about you needing trustworthy mods for plumies? I would be happy to. Plus I know what it's like for someone to get their custom then skedaddle. Not nice. I would probably rather be an artist but I'd do anything to be a part of the Plumie community,

Well I have no clue who you are or if I can trust you xD; but i appreciate the offer! ^^


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