

Ask @Charchar2heheh

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draw yourself (or if you are not comfortable with that, draw your fursona/describe)!

I tried drawing myself but;
just, no Q A Q
but basically I'm short, and blonde, and I have dark blue-ish green eyes (they sorta flip between colors sometimes XD) and umm umm yeah
* i also have weirdly long skinny toes

I HATE YOU SO MUCH OMFG YOU SUCH A SELFISH JERK. Wtf is wrong with you? SERIOUSLY. lmao jk April fools I had to try and fail at least once today /shot /hur

lol Dare XD //pats//
Liked by: Dare

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Bean backstories- GO

oAo //sweats from pressure
- doodle; grew up happy and loved, he's surrounded by his sweet family<3
- starburst; also a very loving home life, very close to his brothers
- winnie; a more dysfunctional home life; her parents are divorced and don't pay her as much mind as they should. she's learned to care for herself
- veni; abandoned at a young age for unknown reasons, she's always on the run and not sure of her purpose in life
Sorry for such lame back stories, I need to work on that, I focus mainly on personalities
Also I'm on an iPod and lazy so

*pokes* hullo owo any designing tips you could give?

hey! ;O;
haha, I dunno, ahhh
just trying to make every design unique, with lots of personality, and don't be afraid to try something weird and different! there's always the undo button, so definitely experiment with different markings and colors and things Q // v // Q

What is your favorite song? (kitty ; ; again >.<)

Hmm, right now probably Glorious Morning 2 (I'm doing an aerials routine to it, so stuck in my head! Q___Q;) orrrr Everybody (which another girl in my class is doing for an aerials routine. lol, that's where I hear all songs, besides the radio :P)

Do you play favorites (w/ your characters)? -kitty ; ;

Oh gosh, yes. Especially when I get newer ones, I'll just let the old ones fade into the background and go crazy over the newer ones XD Oops!
I end up falling back in love with the old ones once the shininess of the new ones wears off, though, usually, so it ends up being alright :P

What song is stuck in your head?

Happy & whatever that love song is q____q; I DONT REMEMBER THE NAAAME

this is tiny-fire again yay well wow i uh ... forgot my password psshhh so can we maybe possibly do it on cs .u.

//soooo smooth
have you checked all the usuals & the email you signed up with?

Somebody needs to make a (micro)kia roleplay where they go through fear landscapes like divergent

that would be cool omg Q v Q
pandora's would be something with fire, and sharks, or something, haha

if your Kias crush never existed, who would they like? If they don't have a crush, who would they like?

Aurore ;; //whispers// ahhh i don't know Q_____Q;
Cheyenne ;; nope NO ONE :T
Saqui ;; Hmm,, maybe Kessler's Kakirou >//>
Apollo ;; Ahh maybe Dizzy Blossom's Hermoine ;p;
//has too many forever alone kias//
//whispers someone come love aurore//

i just saw that you made a nutella dessert. what does nutella taste like? i'm allergic so I have never tried it.

omg that is so sad q_______q
it's kinda like chocolate, only more creamy/rich-flavored ... I dunno
it's hard to explain x'D


Language: English