

Ask @Charchar2heheh

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I was curious, what pencil/pen settings do you use for your drawings?

It really varies, but usually default settings on the pen brush with size 3-6. For oekaki at least n__n

what is your favorite adoption center? Counting Plumies uvu

It feels really self-centered to say plumies are my favorite but I really really love them X3 Not just cause of the species and stuff, but the whole community! They're so fantastic and supportive and they make the whole species 1000x better, seriously<3
Liked by: alter ego mars ✨

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May I ask what the top two plumies you were debating over for Nutmeg?

I'd rather not say; it'd make the other people who offered feel bad/that plumie's owner feel upset to have been so close. u w u ;

Out of the special series of 100s beans, which ones were your favorites?

I've never really liked any of them tbh xD;;

To Angel - "Angel, I... I know you don't like me in /that/ way, but I need to say this. I got told earlier that I shouldn't wait. That I should make up my mind before things slip away. That really made me think. I still really like you, and I don't think that will change. I keep on telling [cont]


"myself that I should move on. 'There's someone else who likes me, I should like them back, to make her happy, to make me move on.' But it's... -deep breath- it's really h-hard. I'm sorry. I rushed, when I sent the letter, when I confessed. I should've waited, but I was impatient. Hey, [cont]


"at least I can say I've learned from this. Everyone makes mistakes, right...? It's fine if you won't ever like me that way. I'm pretty sure I can live with that. But... I'm sorry. I keep on saying that, haha... Please don't feel bad, I just want you to be happy. I'll feel bad otherwise ;///~///;

[assuming this is latte?]
Angel; Latte-! I swear, it's not you, it's me. You've been kinder to me than anyone I've ever met, and if I ever, uh, /liked/ someone, it would be you. I'm just not ready for that yet - you know? ;////; I'm so sorry.

Basil : : "if you t-think it's okay I would love to hang out some time or something v• v I'm not super good at the whole -um- making friends thing but yeah

Falafel_Pie’s Profile PhotoFalafel Pie
Nutmeg; Hehe, I would love to! Don't worry about it, we'll think of something fun to do and it'll be great. I promise!

Basil : : "t-that would be really nice but I don't think it would be a very good idea.. I wouldn't want to get in he way of your relationship or anything and there is so much stuff that could go wrong ,##,

Falafel_Pie’s Profile PhotoFalafel Pie
Nutmeg; Oh, well it's up to you. -smiles a bit sadly- But I really don't think Daytona would mind. He's awfully sweet<3

Bas : : "oh y-you would never be a disappointment to me Nutmeg. I'm just sad I never go t-the chance to talk to you again v m v

Nutmeg;; We can still talk! -smiles encouragingly- Just because I've got a boyfriend doesn't mean I can't have boy-friends!

Char, I think they're cute and all, but you made a decision in like, a day? Did they rp even at all before you made that decision?

#chill pill
People go a little crazy over roleplay on CS :D I personally dislike it in general. I express and develop relationships through art, not writing, for the most part, and that's a-okay if you ask me.
It's not like they're married/mated or anything? They're just dating?
And even if they were mated, it's not really for you to judge.
I think they're adorable together and their personalities fit well, so. What's the issue?
Liked by: question

"I was going to send you a love letter, but that was way to common. I bought this would be more personal- especially since it isn't exactly confessing my love or anything. I told you I loved you a long time ago, and I still love you now (nothing has changed) but I haven't talked to you or [cont.]

Falafel_Pie’s Profile PhotoFalafel Pie
Liked by: pandora

[/cont.] "or anything recently. I just wanted you to know that I am really happy for you to be with this guy. I'm happy that your so happy. I love it when your happy - your upliftingness is one of my favourite things about you. I'm not going to get jealous or try to separate you two or cause [cont.]


[/cont.] drama or anything. You don't had to worry about me trying to get in he way of your love life because I wasn't confident enough to try to go through with mine in he past, by asking you on a date. I guess this is a kind of apology. For leaving you waiting. For doing nothing. I'm so [cont.]


[/cont.] glad your happy and in love and I hope you two have a really long relationship and stuff. Thank you for deep emotions and making me smile. " -Basil [phew sorry that was so long - v - ]

Falafel_Pie’s Profile PhotoFalafel Pie
Nutmeg;; Ah-! Basil! You have nothing to be sorry for. Thank you for the lovely letter and I'm sorry if I've disappointed you !! u w u;
Liked by: Dare Falafel Pie

Alani loves Latte. But honestly I like the sound of Latte and Angel together (I read the ask roleplay posts between the two a while back. Alani might get mad if the two were to date, but so what? //shot I'm sorry) Anywaaay! Has Quinn got a crush of her own?

Angel isn't not-dating Latte because it would make Alani mad xD Alani doesn't have anything to do with it, actually uwu
Oh, most certainly not. She doesn't exactly want to fall in love. (Again.)

(pft I'm terrible, and I asked to start, then let youtube distract me XD. Um. It was kinda fun with Quinn before so how about sticking to that? XD) Spectle || Why do you only 'suppose' you are alright?

daretodream12890’s Profile PhotoDare
(pff its fine xDD)
Quinn; Hm ... that's a good question. I don't feel like I really deserve to be sad; nothing particularly bad has happened. But I'm not happy either. So I'm alright. I suppose.
Liked by: Dare

dewey, jensen, hiro-bo, mishka/wlngz, beatnik, ravendarus and tricksters?

oh goodness xD
dewey - I don't know them super well ?? YET |D
jensen - hhh she's the best<3
hiro - awesome art and designs and a super sweet person overall!
mishka - oh man they make the prettiest pixels EVER
beatnik - gorgeous art, I was a little offended with them for a while since they seemed ungrateful about a plumie I made 'em, but I got over it X3
ravendarus - would definitely count her among my friends, though we don't talk much anymore :c
tricksters - don't know 'em super well, but gorgeous style and they take great care of their plumies !


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