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Is there any other way to replace taurine? I've tried checking my local grocery store and nearby but where I live chicken hearts are only sold in Asian markets ( quite a distance and I don't have a car to go frequently)

I recommend you to buy the high-quality commercial food that has all the ingredients a cat need :)

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I like muffin how much did he cost? Where'd you get him?

He is great :) He is a breeder so he cost 1500 Euros, I hot him from Spain (Carpat Ragdolls)

when do you feed your cats

I give them breakfast when I get up, sometimes a little lunch and then dinner around 6-7 pm

hello! i get 2 ragdolls 1 male and one female..neutred but the are now very hyper and playfull! They want to play until They get hungry or tired:) but does it remonstrant for ever?

If the cats are kittens this is very normal, and what to expect :)

Hi! My cat is going to the vet tomorrow to be sedated and have her teeth cleaned. She is not allowed food past a certain time. We leave food out for all 3 of my cats but I don't know how to get them to eat it but not her ;/

Then you will have to take away the food that is just sitting there and only give the others while checking so that the cat that is going to the vet is not eating that food.
And tomorrow you can go back to the way you were

you have an experience with cats .. and I have a presentation about comparing by 2 kind of cats.. what do you think I have to choose?

I'm sorry I do not understand the question

i don't know if this worksfinns det någon dålig mat? här Ingredienser:? Uttorkad fjäderfäprotein, majs, vegetabiliskt proteinisolat *, animaliskt fett, vete, gluten, ris, hydrolyserat animaliskt protein, vegetabiliska fibrer, vetemjöl, cikoria massa, mineraler, fiskolja, sojaolja, frukto-oligo- sack

Did you read my last answer? :) I told you there what is "bad" in cat food :)

bij berry" berry has a own idea of nice" or something she could fall out right? or did you attachet it

There is no way she could fall out :) The net is firmly attached to the ceiling and all around the openings

is there any bad food? in here?Ingredients: Dehydrated poultry protein, maize, vegetable protein isolate *, animal fats, wheat, gluten, rice, hydrolysed animal proteins, vegetable fibers, wheat flour, chicory pulp, minerals, fish oil, soya oil, fructo-oligo-saccharides, psyllium husks and psylliumza

I would need to translate the whole list, but basically what is "bad" in cat food is all vegetables and grain like maize, rice, wheat, and vegetable protein. Cats need only animal protein and their body cannot really digest vegetable protein as they do with animal protein

I read online that commercial raw meat for pets may not have enough taurine added and can cause heart problems in the long term. Kind of worried about giving my cat a fully raw meat diet cause of that...

Yes there are some kinds that lack taurine, I give one of those to my cats but as they all love eating whole chicken hearts, I give that as a lunch the same day I give that food for dinner, or I add hearts to the meal

What camera do you use ? And what the name of the lens (: ? And thanks ❤️

I use Nikon D7000 with Tamron 17-50mm :)

Hej!:) när du tar med din kamera (har sätt att du har tagit med en) lägger du ut från kameran eller datorn eller mobilen? Eller hur frår du bilderna till instagram? /kram <3

Jag har ett wifi kort till kameran och via en app på mobilen så laddas bilderna över dit och jag kan ladda upp på instagram direkt :)

Do you add taurine to the raw meat you prepare? If so where do you get it from?

I use chicken heart as the main source of taurine :) I buy that in a local grossery shop

I have two cats, one is 14 and the other one is 7. They don't seem to get along at all, they keep fighting all the time, both neutered..is there anything to do so they stop fighting except keeping them apart?

Some cats just do not go well together and it might be better to find one of them a new home. But what you can do is introduce them slowly to each other again. Read my latest answer and follow that advice and you might change the situation for your cats <3

With the litter clumps question, I meant the clumps of pee/ poo in the litter box.

Oh! You use a poop scoop and pick them up :)

If you found a very skinny kitten (maybe 3 months old) what would you do?

I would take him in and give some nice kitten food and try and locate the owner

I guess what I'm trying to say is what do you think i should do? I don't want to get rid of my baby but its very dangerous how they fight. And its not fair to my cat that gets beat up constantly. Sorry for the long question, i'm just trying to fit what i have to say. please help <3

This could be because they are brothers and one of them are higher in rank. But when you told me about one of them running away, it could be the problem. He doesn't trust you right now and need help to understand that all of you are kind. Start with introducing them to each other as you would have if you just got one of them, and reward each meeting with treats. Let them eat together if that is possible, otherwise move them slightly closer together every day.
The thing you can have in mind is to let them associate every second together with something positive. If they like to go outside in harness, then try do it with them both together etc


Language: English