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no there is nothing chanched.."my cat eats filling and his poop"

Then if there really is nothing as he does out of the ordinary it could be PICA. That is when the cat is licking or eating strange objects. You can read more about it on my website www.catwhisperer.se

After reading about nutrition and dry food on the cat whisperer website I tried to tell my mum all about it but she said "the vet said she was fine!" And then I tried to explain to her about it and she was like "it's not interesting" and it made me really angry. IT IS

What your mother doesn't know is that veterinarians are not educated in this and will only sell and give advice on the food that they have, because they are sponsored and has to.
Go to the vet when your cat is sick and let them do what they do best, but do not take advice on food. Many breeders are more educated in cat's nutrition than vets

my cat is eating his litter filling... and his own poop... what should i do

This might be a sign of stress, is there anything else that the cat does out of the ordinary?

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Why does my cat cackle at flies and insects?

They get so excited and they really want to catch it :)

and if i buy loctose free Milk?

That might work, but still it is nothing they should have on a regular basis

can i buy human kind food for cats like fish AnD Canned Tuna or normal milk

No, please buy food that are made for cats. They have a completely different body than us and most of them are lactose intolerant so do not buy regular milk

Hur skriver man Bond katt på engelska?

Man kan säga crossbreed eller housecat. Bondkatt säger man inte egentligen längre utan man säger huskatt :)

Oj jaha, jag såg det, ostsås från Sheba är nog inte något direkt katters kroppar har användning för haha :) men rekommenderar du någon annan? (Du kanske redan skrivit det någonstans)

Bozita, Mjau och Icas är kanon! :)

Thank you for quick reply! And yes it has a red dot like he bit himself or something. He doesnt play with any other animals, could it be a alergie or something?

Jessica Dueck
Muffin had the exact same thing earlier this year, he bit himself in the lip and had to go to the vet because he got stuck. When the lip came loose again he was a bit swollen for a day or two and the scar have just recently faded :) Keep an eye on your cat, if it doesn't get any better by a few days, you should at least call a vet to ask about it. Sores heal quick in the mouth so let's hope it will do that this time too :)
Liked by: Jessica Dueck

Since i don't know how was the temperature in Sweden, why that you don't use an air conditioner in your apartment ? It's work well and I think, 'the kids' will love it.

Azis Haily
I don't really like to buy these kinds of machines for my home so I have other ways to deal with it :)
Liked by: Azis Haily

Min katt kissade på mej!! Varför gör den det? Jag satt på soffan som den förut bruka kissa på men så kastrerade jag honom och dehär var första gången efter de.

Kastreringen tar ett tag innan den ger såna effekter om det var så att du hoppades på att beteendet skulle upphöra efter kastreringen.
Förhoppningsvis slutar det när kastreringen ger effekt, eller så vill din katt berätta för dig att något är fel. Ex sjukdom, stress, uttråkad, ändrade boendeförhållanden, fel sand, smutsig toa osv. Du måste börja utesluta de en efter en tills du hittar problemet.

so if They are sick They hide more?

Some cats would hide out when they are sick, others might seem normal except from being a little more tired

if i clip in the quick from cats nails what do i have to do and there is no vet nearby

You can just press a cotton ball or some paper with cold water on it until it stops to bleed. There are some bandaids that are meant to stop bleeding, if you have those at home you can use that

Rekommenderar du kattmaten "Sheba"? :)

Det är inte en mat jag ger då det är för mycket "övrigt" innehåll i den som inte katternas kroppar har någon användning för

Awwww that picture of teeny muffin with fluffed up fur is too cute to handle <3 and he's smiling! :3

Yes he was a very cute kitten :)

Hi, I have 3 cats and they all share one litter box. Two of them are adult brothers, and one is a girl kitten. Is it okay that they share one? They don't seem to mind at all. Just after looking at other comments it seems like i should have more.

It could work with only one, but diseases may spread fast to each individual if someone gets sick. If you notice faeses or pee outside the box one day, then you might want to consider getting one more.
It is also "more ok" to forget to clean the box one day if you have more boxes, because they don't get so full too fast :)

Can human diarrhoea caused by virus be spread to cats if they come into contact with our body fluids

There are some bacterias called Zoonosis that can be transferred to humans-pets and it might be worth a google search :)


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