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Is it a must to cut a cat's nails and why do people do that? Btw; greetings from Finland, I love your IG account :)

If you have an outdoor cat I would suggest you to not cut them, they will need their claws outside. But as an indoor cat they don't need them so you can cut them to not get badly scratched. :)

I just opened your new site (catwhisperer) and I really like the neat look of it. I will check it out in a minute, but I am really optimistic about it. Maybe you could add some tutorials there (how to make your own catnip toy, or how to build something, like you did on your old blog)! :)))

Thank you so much for your feedback :) I will fill the site with lots of different things, this is what I have done only for about 2 weeks, so I'm gonna put the info sites up first, and I will need to look for people that can help me write, moderate etc. But I want the chat to be up and running in the meantime :)

Hur ska jag göra för min kattunge för att den ska gilla att bli kammad? (Att bli kammad är nog det värsta hon vet) och hon är en liten ragdoll hona på 14 veckor.

Du ska bara fortsätta göra det varje vecka, nu när hon är så liten så har du goda chanser att få henne att gilla det tidigt. Just nu behövs det inte direkt så gör det till en kul grej utan något direkt mål. Prata samtidigt och gör snälla ljud som om att ni myser eller busar. :)

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So cats need to get pregnant every certain time to don't get a possible infection?

If the cat have short periods between cycles, you can give pills but I wouldn't suggest that for a long time period because they also have bad sideeffects that can become deadly. So if it is not a breeder then neuter (!) otherwise give pills in between the matings

I just bought and took home a 2 years old Ragdoll. When I first came to see her at her cattery, she was the most affectionate of all, licking my fingers when I pet her. But now in her new home, she seems to be very shy and hiding under the beds all the time?

It is very common and this is because it is a new place, new smells and new voices and people in her home. As she is 2 years old, she had just established in her last home so now she mist take her time to do this in your home.
I suggest you talk a lot to her, and eight now you cannot ever be mad at her for anything, don't raise your voice right now. Play a lot with her and give her treats when she comes to you by her own will. It might take some time, but the two of you will probably become best friend very soon :) Learn how she communicates by just observing her.
This behaviour she is presenting right now has nothing to do with you or your home, she just feels like a tiny ant in a world of strangers, so just have fun with her in her own speed <3
Best of luck and congrats to your new lifepartner :)

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Do cats bleed like dogs when they are in heat?

No :) We are blessed as a cat breeder that we don't get blood everywhere :)

Why is bad for cats to be in heat for more than 3 times whitout mating?

They are running a high risk of getting in bad condition and ill health and possibly uterine infection (very common)

When is normal for a cat to get in heat?

It is very individual and also a bit depending on breeds. It is normal from a early as 5-6 months. But some don't come in heat until 1-2 years of age

Also! How come you are mating Korint and Nevada?

Because they are a great match :) And the breeder of Korint has exciting plans with one of the kittens from this mating so I'm intrested :)

Hiiiii, how long are the two NF kitties staying with you?

Until they are done mating or if the owners to Korint must come get her :)

my kitten is peeing everywhere and I don't know what to do ? I tried everything but it doesn't work please help me and tell me why she do that ?

Is she neutered? Have you been to the vet about it? When you have ruled out any illness, there is a few things you can try, like changing litter, add another litterbox. Email me at ask@catwhisperer.se

Min ragdoll på 4 månader är inte så gosig, hon vill vara med överallt och ligger gärna brevid men vill inte sitta i knät och tycker bara ibland om att bli gosad med. Har du något tips på hur man får sin katt att bli mer kelig? Vi leker och är med henne många timmar om dagen. :)

Hej! Skulle du vilja maila mig på ask@catwhisperer.se ang detta? Det är så jobbigt att skriva så långa svar på mobilen :)
Jag har många tips att ge!

Hi! Just wondering, what brands of food do you feed your kitties? And what kind? (wet, dry, raw)

I give some readymade raw foods that we have here in Sweden. I also make my own with chicken (whole, liver, heart, stomach), beef, pork and I add some extra powder for better immune. I also give a lot of different kinds of wet food like Bozita, Mjau (swedish), Royal Canin and lots of others, it is great to switch. I give Muffin dry food so he will not loose weight while fertile, I give him Royal's Ragdoll kibbles.

How do you train your cats to let you cut their nails? Mine thinks I'm trying to hurt him and uses his paw to swat me away

Just keep doing it over and over :) from kitten to adult, then they will learn. You can try to cut them while they sleep, play a little with one paw and make some soothing sounds while you are doing it, then gently take one claw while ready with the cutter and while still talking make the cut :) then reward by a headrub or something

THANK YOU for the plate advice, my cat didn't really eat much (and I thought that she just isn't a big eater) and when I changed a bowl into a plate - she eats much much more!!! THANK YOU!!

I'm so happy to have helped :) You are a very good cat mommy <3

I'm not sure anyone will be able to answer this question but I am hoping the cat wisperer can help! So I have an 8 month old ragdoll who Is mine, we live at home with my mum and my mums 1 year old ragdoll. In January I am going away for 6 months. Will my precious little furbaby hate me when I return

No I really don't think so at all, as far as she is being well kept while you are away, she will not be angry with you at all when you come back. You will smell different so keep in mind that it can take a few days until it is back to normal. Take a shower and clean yourself with your towels from home, put on clothes from home and then she will probably recognise you much faster :)

do you have a drinking fountain? And if, which one?

Yes I have two, both Cat It 3l (the green one)

I have an adult female ragdoll (about 2,5-3 year-old, she was a rescue cat so I don't know for sure), she likes to eat a lot and seems like she would eat endlessly. How much food a day would be a good amount? Also, do cats need dry food or is "wet" food enough?

If your cat likes wet food, I suggest you only give that. They don't really gain any weight from wet food so it is ok to give more if you want to. Give about 200 grams a day and then adjust to what your cat seem to like. Try different kinds, they are by nature used to having different "flavours" every time so that's why for instance Bozita is great because they have so many to choose from :)

Hi! On sunday I am leaving on home to live on a health institution. I will be there for a month, but after ten days I am coming home for 4 days, and then going back for about 10 more days. My cat is a year now, but i have never been away from him more than 6 hours at the time. Of course there will b

Who does your cat live with while you are away? I'm sure that person will take care of your cat just fine :)

If I want to keep a NfO, could you give me some help? I am a Chinese, and have already keep a female ragdoll.

What do you need help with? :)

Hi, I am a Chinese, I have already keep a female ragdoll. And now, I'm interested in the NFO, I saw your cats on the Instagram, and you are a breeder, I want to know more informations about you. shall you give a brief Introduction about yourself?

Hello :) You can read more about me on my website www.fjarilflickans.se

How does stud service work so they pay you a sum to mate? So to choose a stud you ask around for the temperament you want? I'm keen on potentially becoming a breeder if its viable for a full time job.

As a breeder, you will not make a profit :) It costs more than you get for the cats. So if you become a breeder, do it because you love cats and want to make it a hobby.
If I'm looking to hire a male, I need the male to be up to my standards, with health tests and yes temperament. It is important to me to follow the breed's standard and not breed from cats that doesn't have the qualities of that pedigree breed.


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