

Ask @catanswers

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Both my cat and I live in an apartment. As much as I like to let her walk out by herself, I am afraid she might jump over the railings. How should I go about it?

Do you mean to go out on a balcony?

Your cats are beautiful . My vet has said that i should feed my cat dry food only as its better for his teeth. Ive noticed u recommend wet food - im confused . I feed my cat both wet & dry - 'James Wellbeloved' brand. Could you explain your reasons? Many thx ❤️

Vets will always tell you this, and it is so sad that they give all cat owners the wrong information, just because they are sponsored by the food brands.
It is NOT good for their teeth, it is a myth that should have died long time ago. If you want to learn more about why dry food is bad for them (there is more reasons) you can read the article on my website Catwhisperer.se
Wet food and raw meat is the best. If your cat likes raw chicken wings, you can give that once or twice a week, THAT is very good for their teeth

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Does berry act any different to her kittens than how she acts with zinnas kittens ? Xxxxxxxxxx

I'm not sure yet. It has only been a few hours so we'll see :)

Go team girls!! Congrats jo! :) i miss those old times when my cat also had kittens LOVELY ♡

Thank you <3 It is a very special moment when they deliver, I love it <3

Hur mycket kommer ungefär kattungarna kosta?

De kostar 8000kr plus kastreringsavgift (de kastreras innan de flyttar) och här ingår såklart alla papper, chip, vetcheck, vaccination x2, en fullt socialicerad kattunge och oändligt med stöd ifrån mig såklart :)

Haha! So many kittens in the house!! Can't imagine when they start walking all over the place ♡ congratulations!

Thank you <3 I know it will be crazy and a whole lot of funny and cute photos and videos on Instagram :)

Has Zinna had any behavioural changes now that Berry is giving birth to her kittens?

I haven't seen anything different yet :)

Are u gonna sell all of the kittens from both cats ,and congratulations for both of the mothers

Thank you, I will tell the moms and Muffin :) Yes they will be sold

I'm guessing your (sort of)famous where you live because you e been in the newspaper lots :D

It has been a few times now, but I don't want to be a public person so I'm trying to only show the cats and my name with the text content
Liked by: Maria

how do you deal with your cats spraying?

I'm blessed with very nice cats that don't spray :) Muffin can mark a bit in a new room but that is only natural

I feel like you dont have cats, your cats have a girl Omg! Youre litteraly living with 17 cat after today, I meann... wooooww!

Hahaha it's kind of scary =O

Sell any kittens? What is its value?

Yes, they are sold to responsible homes. You can read all about it on my website Fjarilflickans.se, click on the english flag

So, I have three cats. Two girls and one boy. The girls get along fine, but one of the girls and the boy do not. I have no idea why. Why do they not like each other? Is there a reason for it?

Some cats actually don't and never will, just as us humans. Cats get "forced" to live with a new stranger cat all of a sudden and might not get along at all with the new one. We need to know this as a cat owner, so we can make the right decisions for them <3

Congrats congrats congraaaats! Finally Berry has her own babies. How wonderful! ❤️ How does it feel having 13 more cats in the house? :)

Thank you :) It is a bit overwhelming and will most likely be a bit difficult at times, but I will find a nice rhythm to it all <3

My act doesn't like her food now, she will eat it, but she used to love it. Why doesn't she care for her food anymore?

If she is healthy, it might be because she is tired of the food, they do like a variety of flavours


Language: English