

Ask @c0rrnholio

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If you saw someone shoplifting, what would you do?

Join da party yaw #yolo #youonlyliveONCE #yoloyoloyoloyoloyolo #swag #swagcheck #swagggthug

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what are some of your fave blogs?

None at the moment. Life has taken its toll on me and I have 0 time for blogs lol seriouz.

Do you have an instagram?

Nayh, I don't /: my phone's android is old as fuck and it couldn't support the app.

Sorry for being so demanding but I cant help it you've been dead for so longggg -acid

Wait fo me kay ): I'm sorry for disappearing so many times.

Make a special post about all your shoes okay? Haven't seen ANYTHING from you for awhile -acid

Will do! :3

if a boy confess to u dat he lyk u hw will u react?

Ugh I guess, it depends on who the person is and HOW he confess(es)? lolol

OKAY I FORGIVE YOU, and still love you as much. Cant wait for your upcoming posts omfg *foaming* -acid

Thank goodness I am forgiven XD posts will be up real soon soon :B

i apologize for sometime i've said something that should'nt say. Forgive me, kay?

Uhhhh, I'm not sure what's going on....? lol

You still inspire me a lot! Though I actually really like the black roots and yr green hair than this hairstyle, nevertheless, I am still inspired by your fashion. I find you like really unique and your fashion style doesnt make you like those usual chinese girls, you actually look unique! LOVE

Aw, thank you! You're such a beautiful soul (':

u sure ur ok ? u look thiner n thiner =o

I'm doing pretty darn well hahaha, and I think I look fatter lol.


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